Most of Scotland has Met Office warnings in place for Storm Babet, but I’m not seeing any on the dashboard for my usual EMMA areas UK104-107.
And now I see that Meteoalarm is showing details by city/council area/county instead of EMMA area
Most of Scotland has Met Office warnings in place for Storm Babet, but I’m not seeing any on the dashboard for my usual EMMA areas UK104-107.
And now I see that Meteoalarm is showing details by city/council area/county instead of EMMA area
Are you sure that the EMMAID’s are correct?
In your screenshot I see Aberdeen UK201 and Aberdeenshire UK202
What is the area name for 104, 105 and 107, maybe there are new ID’s?
I found Edinburgh → UK249
Thanks, Wim.
Since became I have used the EMMA IDs as shown on [url= Meteoalarm Regions Map]Ken’s map[/url]. Scotland was divided into 6 areas, UK101 to UK107 (no UK106), and I got warnings for these areas until recently. Here’s the UK list:
"UK101": "Orkney & Shetland",
"UK102": "Highlands & Eilean Siar",
"UK103": "Grampian",
"UK104": "Central, Tayside & Fife",
"UK105": "Strathclyde",
"UK107": "SW Scotland, Lothian & Borders",
"UK108": "Northern Ireland",
"UK109": "North West England",
"UK110": "North East England",
"UK111": "Yorkshire & Humber",
"UK112": "West Midlands",
"UK113": "East Midlands",
"UK114": "East of England",
"UK115": "South West England",
"UK116": "London & South East England",
"UK117": "Wales",
Today is the first time I have ever heard of smaller areas. . .
I wonder where I can find a list of these new areas.
LATER EDIT: see NEWS | MeteoAlarm – Alerting Europe for Extreme Weather:
New Geocodes for the UK to Be Released on 10th October
We would like to inform you that the UK Met Office will introduce new geocodes.
I do not know if such a list exists.
But load the full cap file f.i. in Firefox
it is a json file and FF expands it nicely.
That way i found Edinburugh
areaDesc "Edinburgh"
geocode 0
value "UK249"
valueName "EMMA_ID"
East Lothian" → UK245
You know the area names, so you can find the EMMA_ID’s
Thanks, Wim, that works well. . .
But now I have 10 EMMA_IDs to enter into easyweathersetup instead of 3
See Check for updates (
Thanks, Wim
I’ve updated the meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.02, meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php V1.02 for EMMA_ID changes at - lots of new UK zones were added.
Saratoga template users can use - Website Templates - AJAX/PHP - Updates with a query of Base-World, *-Plugin, 19-Oct-2023
Standalone users can get the two files from the GitHub - ktrue/Meteoalarm-warning: Warnings from for countries distribution.
The Meteoalarm Regions Map has also been updated.
Hi Ken,
I am confused with all the multiple codes for the same area.
Complete list of all codes?
I downloaded your meteoalarm-codenames.json and added the missing codes into my meteoalarm-file
One can sort the codes of 1 country also on name. A lot of areas now have two codes, attached screenshot.
Getting the codes from the warnings:
Two years ago, for a few months, I downloaded each day, the complete cap-europe file and checked which codes were used and made a list of those codes.
As of today, I am reloading the cap-json files now for 1 country at a time evenly spread during the day.
When there is a warning for a certain code my meteoalarm-file is updated:
→ the script will replace the date, type and description as used in the last warning.
As an example, todays French file is (45.0 KB)
What to do with the multiple codes for the same area?
Is there a reliable (complete) source of area codes?
If not, I will continue to load all country files daily and check in a few months which are codes are obsolete.
Best regards,
That json includes old codes that Meteoalarm should have deleted. E.g. for UK: codes UK001-017 are old codes; UK101-117 are codes that were in use until recently; and UK201-353 seem to be the current codes.
EDIT: Just for completeness, Meteoalarm got one old Scotland .eu code wrong (UK004), and missed one (UK006): see for a table I made at the time.
LATER EDIT: Table of old codes reproduced here, now I’ve learned how to format tables in Discourse
UK Area | .eu ID | .org ID |
Orkney & Shetland | UK002 | UK101 |
Highlands & Eilean Siar | UK002 | UK102 (Eilean Siar = Western Isles) |
Grampian | UK015 | UK103 |
Central, Tayside & Fife | UK003 | UK104 |
Strathclyde | UK005 | UK105 |
SW Scotland | UK006 | UK107 |
Lothian & Borders | UK004 | UK107 |
So, for the list of codes, I use the following:
Open MeteoAlarm | Early Warnings for Europe in a browser.
Download the geocodes.json and geocode-aliases.csv files
I then process the geocodes.json with a script and geocode-aliases.csv with a script to create my two files meteoalarm-codenames.json and meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php used by the script. The geocodes.json file is about 22Mbytes. (5.3 KB)
Note that I don’t change the entries in geocodes.json (which has all current codes), just extract the EMMA_ID to name and put in meteoalarm-codenames.json file.
not sure if its my browsers but the map shows Cumbria UK233 still as North West UK109
A post was merged into an existing topic: Saratoga meteoalarm error
Map is now fixed… I’d forgotten to finish update to data file driving the map. Sorry!
Thanks, Ken. Area boundaries much cleaner now, too