Today 2023-12-26 the Meteoalarm server does not deliver any CAP data.
All requests similar to https://feeds.meteoalarm.org/api/v1/warnings/feeds-xxxxx
return a 500 error.
To test yourself replace xxxxx with your country-name f.i. belgium or germany or france
Today 2023-12-26 the Meteoalarm server does not deliver any ATAOM data.
All requests similar to https://feeds.meteoalarm.org/feeds/meteoalarm-legacy-atom-xxxxx
return a 500 error.
Today 2023-12-26 the Meteoalarm server does not deliver any RSS data.
All requests similar to https://feeds.meteoalarm.org/feeds/meteoalarm-legacy-rss-xxxxx
return a 500 error.
I will check regularly and update this topic if data can de loaded again
Latest check 2023-12-26
11:30 UTC
12:30 UTC
13:30 UTC All data available again
I checked the returned data, the layout remains the same.
No new countries use polygons.