Meteoalarm CAP/ATOM warnings missing

I am not seeing the yellow warnings for “snow & ice” in UK104, UK105 or UK107 - see UK weather warnings - Met Office

…/jsondata/warningCAP.arr seems to be empty.

Same problem in my Saratoga template, so I presume this is a Meteoalarm problem?

The same here in Holland, no warnings on PWS. should be “code orange” here according to KNMI -

So I assume it’s indeed a Meteoalarm problem.

The website only displays the warnings on the map.
But selecting a warning there does not load any data in the explanation area on the right.

I tested, but the data seems not to be available.

Until the problem with the meteoalarm CAP data is solved

Script wrnWarningEU.php|01|2021-08-03
Lines 5-7 select which service you want to use.
Set line 7 to comment by adding an # at the first position.

That way the ATOM feed is used, which seems ? correct but is not that thoroughly tested.

At least for Belgium it seems to work at the demo site TEST TEST Home Weather Station (ecoLcl version)

=== UK users
You can use the UK alarm service by selecting that in the easyweather settings.


1 Like

Thanks, Wim.

No warnings today, expecting some tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

New version of the script to cope with changes at
There seems to be a new link to retrieve the file.
The meteoalarm website is now also up and running again.

zipped file to download
Click the link, the zip should be in your download folder / area.
Unzip and replace the current script wrnWarningEU-CAP.php


I wanted to attach a zip, but it seems not to be possible yet.
It seems that the administrator need to allow zips to be attached to posts.

Thanks, Wim, I’ll play with that tomorrow.

(The alternative ATOM feed didn’t seem to be working today, either.)

That should be possible now. The number of attachment extensions is currently fairly limited but I can add to the list as required.

Turned out to be a URL change for the API to get the JSON country warnings. Thanks to Wim for sharing this, I’ve updated the Base-World template with V3.16 of get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php with the changed URL. Available on the update tool, script page and GitHub distribution.

Still not working here on PWS dashboard :slightly_frowning_face:

Haven’t tried Saratoga update yet.

Indeed, the new version does not yet work here either, there is an alarm for NL014 on the site of, but it is not shown in the dashboard.
They are messing around at

gr. Arie

Did you install your extra changes for your proxy server?

It is working Ok here.

Hi Arie,

Did you remove the comment mark on line 7 in wrnWarningEU.php ?
The cap file is not recent, it is 6 days old.
. . . .nl/pwsWD/PWS_listfile.php?file=jsondata/warningCAP.arr&type=arr

BUT the file I loaded on the testserver
has 4328 messages, by manually reading a dozen or so messages, non are recent , all are green.
Based on this file there are no warnings to display.
It is a huge file, so I have to write some extra code to check what is happening, maybe there is is something changed in the layout.
Be aware:
The PHP memory size has to be upped to 256Mb, the previous setting for 128Mb is to small.

To get at least a warning:
Change lines 5 to 7 in script wrnWarningEU.php|01|2021-08-0

$script = 'wrnWarningEU-RSS.php';   // old fashined feed
#$script = 'wrnWarningEU-ATOM.php';  //     use this one if both others fail
#$script = 'wrnWarningEU-CAP.php';  // latest version

Does not look very good in the menu pop-up
=> but it should always work as it uses the RSS format.
Not for long probably, currently the file only contains 1 day old data,
=> valid to 09-03-2023 04:00 CET
For now that is the only one which works for "The Netherlands " data.


I did - and yes it is working OK this morning, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I thought there was a warning in force when I replaced the script but I must have been mistaken. . . it was late last night: sorry :confused:

Is there a similar problem with the ATOM feed here?

It’s working fine again after the update.

Thanks Wim.

Seems to be specific for certain areas a problem.
=> Tested settings UK111,UK112,UK104,UK107,UK105
Returned warnings for UK111 and 112 only. But not for your areas.

Feed is MeteoAlarm - Alerting Europe for Extreme Weather
Have to check what dates they are using, enough time to do so with the bad weather forecasts.

If you test with the atom script:
==> It need the proxy setting
==> the data is cached in warningEU2.arr with the “active” warnings



I tested yesterday (after checking proxy) but nothing: warningEU2.arr is empty.

All EU countries (seem to) have their own interpretation of the Meteoalarm documentation.
Wrong: Belgium leaves the original and the updated warning in the stream so one has twice the information. And there is not a unique key for a message
OK: UK has only the updated message and not the original one.

So it seems i have to add a lot of settings to the scripts so that one can set filters if applicable.

I changed the ATOM-script to also accept updates, suitable for the UK.
If you want to test, remove the warningEU2.arr

Wim (8.6 KB)

Thanks, Wim, I’ll give it a go :slightly_smiling_face: