I thought I’d try to set up a Mesomap.
Everything seemed straightforward, put in a map, added a few data sources and it all looks fine in the setup menu.
But, the uploaded map seems to be significantly cropped on the right hand and bottom, so much that its chopped of some of the data boxes.
If I’ve done something wrong I can’t see for the life of me what it is.
Try resizing the window the map is displayed in when you modify it in WD… Then save it in the resized state.
IIRC I had to play with the window sizing when i set mine up.
Thanks for your reply.
I assume you mean the boxes where you can specify the image size?
The pixel sizes listed in the Mesomap setup usually have to be tweaked to a larger size then the actual image file you are using in my experience.
The FAQ you mention:
Some suggested steps and tips for for setting up a Weathermap in Weather Display.
Step one: Locate an image you wish to use for your map background.
Some suggestions for obtaining map images from other posts:
Once you have located a suitable image “Right click” on the image and select “Save Image as” or similar…
Save it to somewhere you will know where it is on your hard drive.
Another interest…
Doesn’t address that aspect as it doesn’t seem to be a constant. If your map is over 500 pixels in any direction I would recommend resizing it downward if you can’t get it set just the way you want as I believe there is an upper size limitation as far as displaying properly…
Try making a size change then force an update, wait a few minutes and then see what the result is on your web site. I had to tweak some of mine a number of times to get them where I was happy.
The pixel sizes listed in the Mesomap setup usually have to be tweaked to a larger size then the actual image file you are using in my experience.
The FAQ you mention:
How to setup a Weathermap in WD
Doesn’t address that aspect as it doesn’t seem to be a constant. If your map is over 500 pixels in any direction I would recommend resizing it downward if you can’t get it set just the way you want as I believe there is an upper size limitation as far as displaying properly…
Try making a size change then force an update, wait a few minutes and then see what the result is on your web site. I had to tweak some of mine a number of times to get them where I was happy.
Thanks Bob,
Your quite right, fiddling about with those numbers does indeed get the whole map to appear.
Regards, Donald