McMahon - Last Good ECMWF was ( 2024092200 z ) and Last Should Be ( 2024092206 z )
Note: this was Checked at 2024-09-22 15:00 UTC.
It is possible that the Data was running Late and may now be available.
Note: this is an automated Post, check data to ensure it is correct!
Kindest Regards,
i think the database is having issues Chris
the wxsimatelog says ECMWF is not available and the data page is not displaying all data
I’m investigating. It looks weird. The database is fine on two nodes but weird on the third node. It showed as running but with no data. I’m restarting that node now, but I’ll need to investigate why things were running on the third node but showing no data once I have things restarted.
It appears to back on, but the data are from 00Z of the 22nd. I think we’d be up to 12Z now, right?
12z data is currently processing.
The forecast cleanup script has broken again whilst I wasn’t watching
2 million records when there should be about 130,000.
I’ve cleared all the old data out, so you won’t even see 00z data from 22/09/24 now. That’s the quickest way to return things to normal.
GFS for 12z is currently running. ECMWF was a bit slower to restart because it thought it had already run 12z, but that’s re-running now too.
I’d guess around 30-40 winutes before both are ready because of the parallel running. Don’t believe the dashboard because that’s got part old and part new data.
My brain is frazzled so I’m going to be and keeping my fingers crossed that things go OK.
Curently 105,000 out of 130,000 records have been written
GFS 12z data is now available
ECMWF 12z data is also now available.
Thank you so much, and get some rest!!