McMahon ECMWF 2023112318 z Missing - Last was 2023112312 z

McMahon - Last Good ECMWF was ( 2023112312 z ) and Last Should Be ( 2023112318 z )

Note: this was Checked at 2023-11-24 02:00 UTC.

It is possible that the Data was running Late and may now be available.

Note: this is an automated Post, check data to ensure it is correct!

Kindest Regards,


Hi Chris,
I confirm ECMWF ( 2023112318 z ) not available and at time of this post, still not.
Kind Regards,

My own monitor has triggered too so there’s definitely a problem. I’ll investigate when I can get onto the laptop.

24/11 00Z is available now.

After investigation I’m happy to say that my code is working correctly. The 18Z run should have 90 hours of data but for some reason ECMWF data store only has up to hour 69 available to download.

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