Max/Min Temperature Time Display Anomalies

Having received no replies in Usage for a couple of weeks, I’m moving this question to Problems.

In the month of March, I converted my station from an Ultimeter 2100 attached to a Windows PC to an Ultimeter 2100 attached to a Raspberry Pi, with Weather Display acting as a remote client. Weather Display is set to update every 30 seconds. The transition went mostly smoothly (after the graphs worked themselves out a bit), but the lingering anomaly from the transition is that the Max/Min temperature on the main display seem to not have the correct time (the temperatures are correct, but I can’t even work out some consistent offset for the time displayed) and they are the only times displayed not matching the preference of 12-hour display (AM/PM).

I have tried resetting the graphs. I also wondered if it would eventually work itself out, say after data was stashed for the month and the new month began, but it persists. I haven’t tried dumping all the data and starting over, which I’d rather not if I can avoid it (even though I do have a parallel data now backed up from the RPi).

10.37S Build 138
Windows 11 22000.613


Any thoughts here? Something particularly strange I noticed is that all of the high/low records are correct in the database. The times displayed in WD are just incorrect.

Here is an example, since today happened to have a high for the month. So, the time is visible for today in the H/L view before midnight:

Averages and Extremes for the month of June 2022

Average temperature = 60.8°F
Average humidity = 73%
Average dewpoint = 51.4°F
Average barometer = 1014.8 mb
Average windspeed = 0.3 mph
Average gustspeed = 0.5 mph
Average direction = 6° ( N )
Rainfall for month = 2.27 in.
Rainfall for year = 13.40 in.
Maximum rain per minute = 0.37 in on day 13 at time 00:01
Maximum temperature = 79.0°F on day 24 at time 17:03

In the screen shot, note that the maximum temp is correct, but the time is not (17:03 is correct).
