Here in Nova Scotia we had a post-tropical storm Fiona go through and we had 7 days without utility power and were running off a generator for most of that time. Occasionally we had to stop the generator to refill the gas tank and it seems to have happened that one of those shut-offs occurred just as our MeteoPi ethernet logger was uploading data from our Davis Vantage Vue station. The maximum wind gust it uploaded was something like 410 kilometres per hour, far beyond reason. When eventually I checked my weather station data at [s][/s] the max gust was shown as 410 (see attached screen-shot fragment). I edited the various data files that had that bad number in it, and changed the value to some much smaller number. But now the 410 has been saved somewhere I cannot find and the programmed logic will never find a new data-point more than the 410.
Is there a way to reset that number to something reasonable ( I think before the power went we saw 79 kph.)?
Or is there a script I can run that will use to now-corrected data files?
We really like PWS Dashboard. Thank you for any help.
Thank you for the reply @bitofstring. Sorry to send you on a wild goose chase - I put the wrong URL in my initial post. I will correct it as soon as I have done this reply. The correct URL that shows the 410 kph number is at:
Hmmm. I (finally - doh) see what you mean. I have adjusted the values for today, and I looked for and retrieved the maximum wind for this year and corrected that. I will see what happens with tomorrow’s data. I have made no adjustments in the php files / logic from what I downloaded.
Update: - already, minutes later, it is wrong again, showing today’s max wind and max gust as the same. The graph of today’s wind and gusts seems fine. I will investigate further.
I have seen reports of problems with WeatherLink max wind over here, but I am not a Davis user and I don’t know how the setup is supposed to work. . . Sorry.