Hi Wim,
Thanks for all your hard work on this template. I have been getting the following errors (See image) for a long time, been meaning to action it but as I have limited coding knowledge I was unable to.
Sorry, but no that does not help.
Please re-read the pdf → Which cron-server to use
There are dozens of different setups possible when using a provider-cron.
They look “more or less” the same, but the details are different and only your provider knows how to set it exactly right.
If you yourself do not have that knowledge, same with most users, I wrote there → Ask the support people of your provider about that
But the best way for you to run a cron is to use a free cron-server.
pwsWD only needs 1 cron-job every 5 minutes so nearly every cron-provider can be used fro free.
So make an account at Free cronjobs - from minutely to once a year. - cron-job.org and run the cron every 5 minutes.
That will solve this problem for sure.
Thanks Wim,
I am using the cron server of my hosting company, and running the internal php version as per the doc. (I did read and follow it at the time). I will try the www version, hopefully I have success with that.
Thanks for taking the time to reply and troubleshoot.
Just to close this off for others that may be having a similar issue. I fixed it by using curl --silent http://www.mysite.com/pwsWD/PWS_cron_stationcron.php > /dev/null as my cron job command in my hosting platform control panel.
Thank you, I have done that and the red warning has gone. Would appreciate if yourself or Wim could just check to see if I have done it correctly and things are functioning as they should.