I’ve put new Oregon thermal sensor to jar and connected it to my WMR100 station on channel #2. Weather Display reads it OK, I see its value in %extratemp1% tag (+24 C as it’s in the room, outside temperature is -24 C now). But whatever I set in Solar Sensor Setup, it still shows 0% as current reading -
It’s midnight here, but this should not affect raw data I guess. Did I miss something ?
Thanks niko, I missed ‘-’. Fixed, but it didn’t change the readings.
When I open Solar Sensor Setup, “24.2” in “Current raw reading” appears as initial value for less than a second, then it becomes 0.0 w/m2. Current % is always 0 though.
As %extratemp1% shows correct temperature from this sensor, I guess 1 is the right settings for “sensor to use” also. I’ll check tomorrow if it’s sensible to day/night time.
UPD: Yes, it’s sun shining and WD working as supposed - I’d better sleep at night, not setting up the station