Main screen customization issues

I have 2 problems on my main screen. W10, Build10.37S139

1.) I have lost the data box for pressure rate. I can’t figure out how to find it. Does anyone know of a way to find the graphic, or force it to the front.

2.) I have an extra sensor on the main screen. “Pool Temperature”. Every time I set the correct color for the text and data, they always revert to the color shown, in attachment. The color choices for the text and data do not stick. The correct colors will show briefly on the main screen, but upon upload they revert, on the uploaded image.

I don’t view the main screen that often because I use PWS Dashboard template, but I would like to get these issues fixed.

Here is a link:

for 1:
use windows regedit.exe
search for wdisplayftp.ini
then find
[main screen custom]
trend_disp x=

and change the values (e.g y and xx and yy to values similar to others in the area)
(x is width,y is height, xx is x cardinal (i.e lft/right), yy is y cardinal (i.e up/down))

for 2:
can you post a screen shot of how you have that set to be used in the main screen customisation?

Thanks Brian,

I fixed the pressure rate following your instructions.

I have attached a capture of how I set up my etra sensor.

UPDATE: The colors are now sticking. The only thing I did different was to click out of the Main Window customization panel, without checking “save changes” or “prevent changes”. I’ll see if it holds over time.

the problem is the other tick box you have ticked to the right of where you enter the custom tag
you should not have ticked that
as that sets the colour to the box colour setting

Thanks Brian, that took care of it.