Main page temps are wrong

I noticed this morning that on the main page of my website (screenshot), it shows the low this morning was 27.3. However, the current temp shows as 18. (so how can that be). The actual low was 16.1 this morning. The high (at midnight) was 27.3

Then I noticed the feels like temp is 212

Any help is appreciated. Yes I did recently do a lot of updates to many pages.

Oh and the thermometer on the left seems accurate.
The high temp is off too (shows 10.2 - again high is 18 right now

So, there’s something amiss with the clientraw.txt data that’s used for displaying the ‘feelslike’ temperature.

In ajaxWDwx.js the code:

// FeelsLike
        temp = clientraw[4]; // note.. temp in C
        if (temp <= 16.0 ) {
          feelslike = clientraw[44]; //use WindChill
        } else if (temp >=27.0) {
          feelslike = clientraw[112]; //use HeatIndex
        } else {
          feelslike = temp;   // use temperature
        var feelslike  = Math.round(convertTemp(feelslike));
        set_ajax_obs("ajaxfeelslike",feelslike + uomTemp);

is used to calculate/display the feelslike temperature shown.

Using my WDparser shows the following for the three fields involved:

4	Outside Temp	Celsius	-6.9°C = 19.6°F
44	WindChill	Celsius	No Value
112	Heat Index	Celsius	-8.6°C = 16.5°F

Since the clientraw[44] (Wind Chill) is NOT being returned by Weather Display, the result on the dashboard is shown in error. Check to make sure you’re running the current MAC version of WD and if so, contact Brian via email to resolve.

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Brian’s response was:

what is the custom tags for the feels like and the today hi and low?

I am not sure how to get that. I will look around. I think there is a testtag.txt file

I thought the feelslike problem was with clientraw.txt, not custom tags?

Actually I think I found it (from testtag.txt and testtag.php).

@ken does this mean WD is sending it?

// Temperature/Humidity
// ====================
// Current:
// --------
$temperature = ‘%temp%’; // temperature
$tempnodp = ‘%tempnodp%’; // temperature, no decimal place
$humidity = ‘%hum%’; // humidity
$dewpt = ‘%dew%’; // dew point
$maxtemp = ‘%maxtemp%’; // today’s maximum temperature
$maxtempt = ‘%maxtempt%’; // time this occurred
$mintemp = ‘%mintemp%’; // today’s minimum temperature
$mintempt = ‘%mintempt%’; // time this occurred
$feelslike = ‘%feelslike%’; // Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16oC)

$heati = ‘%heati%’; // current heat index
$heatinodp = ‘%heatinodp%’; // current heat index,no decimal place
$windch = ‘%windch%’; // current wind-chill
$windchnodp = ‘%windchnodp%’; // current wind-chill, no decimal place
$humidexfaren = ‘%humidexfaren%’; // Humidex value in oF
$humidexcelsius = ‘%humidexcelsius%’; // Humidex value in oC

$apparenttemp = ‘%apparenttemp%’; // Apparent temperature
$apparentsolartemp = ‘%apparentsolartemp%’; // Apparent temperature in the sun (you need a solar sensor)
$apparenttempc = ‘%apparenttempc%’; // Apparent temperature, ∞C
$apparentsolartempc = ‘%apparentsolartempc%’; // Apparent temperature in the sun, ∞C (you need a solar sensor)
$apparenttempf = ‘%apparenttempf%’; // Apparent temperature, ∞F
$apparentsolartempf = ‘%apparentsolartempf%’; // Apparent temperature in the sun, ∞F (you need a solar sensor)

Yes, the tag is

$feelslike =  '%feelslike%';	// Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16oC)

The windchill clientraw[44] is also shown as missing ‘–’ and that causes the AJAX feelslike to show the erroneous value.

Thanks, i suspect this was probably like this for some time. However, it rarely gets below 16 here, hence why it wasn’t noticed.

STUPID idiot question but where should the “-” be. I don’t see that in any of the others posted. Can I add that to testtags.php? Or should Brian fix this (I will pass your comments on)?

I think it’s a Weather-Display issue … the windchill should be set in clientraw.txt.
The feelslike temp should also be set in the %feelslike% WD tag, and appears to not contain valid data … it may be a configuration issue, but that is a question for Brian in the MAC version.

Thanks will pass on

Before i do, I could be wrong (likely) but I do see a windchill tag:

$windch = ‘%windch%’; // current wind-chill
$windchnodp = ‘%windchnodp%’; // current wind-chill, no decimal place

Also if I look at the testtags.php file right now I see:
// Temperature/Humidity

// ====================

// Current:

// --------

$temperature = ‘24.0°F’; // temperature

$tempnodp = ‘25’; // temperature, no decimal place

$humidity = ‘61’; // humidity

$dewpt = ‘12.5°F’; // dew point

$maxtemp = ‘24.0°F’; // today’s maximum temperature

$maxtempt = ‘08:54’; // time this occurred

$mintemp = ‘17.7°F’; // today’s minimum temperature

$mintempt = ‘01:15’; // time this occurred

$feelslike = ‘24’; // Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16oC)

$heati = ‘24.0°F’; // current heat index

$heatinodp = ‘24’; // current heat index,no decimal place

$windch = ‘24.0°F’; // current wind-chill

$windchnodp = ‘24°F’; // current wind-chill, no decimal place

$humidexfaren = ‘16.7°F’; // Humidex value in oF

$humidexcelsius = ‘-8.5�C’; // Humidex value in oC

This matches what I see in WD, so would that suggest WD is sending it?

That’s the testtags.php value for $windch and it appears to be working correctly.

What is not working correctly is clientraw.txt field 44

44	WindChill	Celsius	No Value

Your clientraw.txt appears to have several malformations

12345 0.0 0.0 0 -3.2 60 1032.2 0.0 52.8 52.6 0.00 0.00 24.4 29 7.0E-0310 5 -3.2 0 0 0.0 -3.2 255.0 -100.0 -100.0 -3.2 -100.0 60 -100 -100 10 27 23 Atlanta_Midtown_Buckhead-10:27:23 0 0 21 1 0.00 0.00 100 100 100 100 100 -3.2 -7.1 -3.1 -7.9 5 Dry -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 -9.8 2749.9 1/21/2025 -7.0 -12.3 -3.1 -7.9 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.1 -4.0 -3.8 -3.8 -3.7 -3.5 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 -3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.1 -7.9 -3.2 0.0 0 --- --- 0 0 0 -100.0 -100.0 -100 60 0 0 0 0.0 24.4 19.4 -5.4 1032.8 1029.8 0 10:00 08:54 -5.4 -10.5 -9.7 -13.8 0 2025 0.0 1 -1 1 136 136 136 136 136 136 0 -0 -0 -0 10.0 0.0 0.0 -5.0 33.81028 84.34861 0.0 67 59 0.0 01:15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10:26 01:15 -0 !!C10.37Mac405!!

The icon number is ‘7.0E-0310’ and should be an integer from 0 to 31.
and two values

32	Station Name-Time	Label	23
33	Lightning Counts Since Noon (NexStorm total)	Number	Atlanta_Midtown_Buckhead-10:27:23

seem to be misplaced by one field – #33 should be in #32.
I suspect that the template that Brian is using for clientraw has the errors in it.

Maybe try a WD restart? That works for a corrupted clientrawextra, but I don’t know if it works for clientraw. . .

I see my disconnect. I was looking in testtags.txt not clientraw.txt

Passing into to Brian regardless

Ken you are amazing. Is there a way to donate to your site?

Sure, go to any of my scripts or template instructions on my site and there is a PayPal and a Buy Me A Coffee link at the top of the page.

Donations are NOT REQUIRED (but always appreciated to defray the hosting costs).

Glad I could help…

Done… and happy to do so

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Ok this is ODD

Earlier this morning same thing: hi/low temps were wrong but times was right and the feels like was 212

NOW: everything is working as expected. I, nor Brian, did anything

According to the status page WD was restarted this morning, so I presume clientraw was put right. (As I suggested yesterday.)

Actually my iMac rebooted due to a crash. This is interesting. Now sure what happened or how it got fixed, but for now it is working as expected. I will monitor this for sure

What a weird one - Thanks

Yes, clientraw now shows correctly in Ken’s parser. Always worth trying a restart when data is corrupted.

EDIT: any IT department will tell you that :wink:

The problem is back, but I think I have some new info.

My iMac crashed about 4 times today. Based on my research it looks like the fusion drive is going bad. So perhaps when read/writing WD it is causing some kind of corruption??

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