I have been running WD 10.37Mac360 on a 13 year old iMac for a number of years without issue. It has been remarkably stable. My weather station is a Weatherflow Tempest.
As the iMac is starting to show its age I installed the lastest WD from the App Store. Version 10.37 Mac build 404. All is well except for one issue which is driving me nuts (not a long drive).
When trying to set up wxlocal I can not set up more than 9 pages. As I have a number of pages numerically higher than 9 and I am at a loss as to what I am missing. If I place wxlocal11.html (for instance) in my web files location it does not upload as wx11.html as I can’t setup #11 in advanced internet settings tab 2
I am probably missing something obvious and will be appreciative anny advice.