Mac Help

My windows box crashed, (Hopefully only the power supply) so I’m back onto my MAC running Yosemite…

I installed the latest version of WD for Mac, along with CP2101… Running Davis VP2 with Serial adapter/USB

WD opens fine, but once I plug the usb in from the VP2 WD crashes.

Any clues ???

Thanks …

try deleting the setting
Mac USB name=
in the wdisplayftp.ini setting file

Still crashes once I open the app in Yosemite, with the VP2 plugged in…

If I pull the USB out of the MAC, the app opens fine.

that should fix it… make sure to change that setting when WD is not running


I did, the com port actually was displayed when I restarted it, but I was not getting any data.
When I restarted again, it opens an crashes again.

that is odd
backing up and then deleting the WDISPLAY.INI and wdisplayftp.ini settings files

I cannot find those folders on my MAC …

I found them under Library / Application Support / wdisplay …

Deleted files, but still nothing coming from VP2 … I reset the com port and station type.

I would delete the wdisplay folder in the library location (from an older version)
(when WD is not running)
so that it then correctly creates a wdisplay folder in
when you start WD

Deleted all old files…

Opened newest version of WD for MAC, and it created the files in correct place now. Went thru setup to set com port, and station type. Still NO DATA

Closed out WD and restarted it, NAG screen comes up, soon as I close out NAG screen it crashes.

that is odd…
are you selecting the .cu type davis usb driver in the com port setup?

ttyl type

you should be selecting the .cu driver listed
in any case, I wonder if there is a permissions problem
you could try running the exe file direct from a terminal window
(in the application bundle, Contents, MacOS folder

Wow, that CU type actually fixed the problem… I’m getting data now, but have lost my registered version when I deleted my old files.
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