Luftdaten popup blank

hi i have a problem with the luftdatem AQ block; when i click on the"map" link , i have a blank page; this is the link of my website

this is the link of the popup

can you help me?


You modified $scrpt_vrsn_dt = 'PWS_frames.php|01|2021-11-30| on line 97 is missing an ending ; character just between the ' and the #

    $frm_src[$frame]        = ' of Treviso/Vidor' #''.$yrno_area.'/forecast.pdf';  #### 2021-03-27

This will give a PHP parser error on the next line

Parse error : syntax error, unexpected variable “$frm_frme” in /membri/meteoalne/PWS_frames.php on line 98

Change that line to

    $frm_src[$frame]        = ' of Treviso/Vidor' ; #''.$yrno_area.'/forecast.pdf';  #### 2021-03-27

You can test these modifications by using the &test option on a link.
Example you posted
Adding the &test
will show almost all errors


thanks a lot Vim; i fixed the code and now the error is gone, but the “map” link in the Luftdatem Block doesn’t work anyway; The target page now it’s not blank, but it brings me to the “Home” :thinking:

here it is a WORKING example of the frame, i took it in a website of a weather station located near me


You rtemoved the extra menu items, so there is nothing to display.
See attached screenshot comparing your menu (left) and the Montebelluna menu items.
