After I updated Weather Display to build 150 on December 3, precip data is not being recognized. Not sure what setup may have been affected. No issues with temp, humidity, or pressure. I tried downgrading to 149 and even 148, but nothing changed which leads me to believe it is a settings issue. I tried restoring the WSDisplay.ini file from a backup a month ago, but that didn’t help. Now I’m stuck. I’m not sure how to add pics to this system, but debug data on WD is saying no percip, but the Vailsa raw data clearly shows rain.
Is there other software that can read the Vaisala data to confirm that it’s still reporting precipitation values. It could be the WD update that’s caused it, but it’s best to check that it’s not a hardware issue.
Yes. I was able to confirm it is sending percip info. I dragged and dropped some pics. I think this is how you add pics…
The pics look good. You’ve exhausted my knowledge now…I don’t know the Vaisala equipment at all. Hopefully someone else might have a suggestion.
Thanks. If anyone else has any pointers on how to get to the raw data WD is using from weather station beyond the debug info screen, let me know. WD may just think a different weather station is installed and interpreting the data incorrectly, but I can’t confirm since I can use the Vailsa configuration utility and clearly see rain being recorded. I might need to try a clean install with 150, but that takes a bunch of time to reconfiguring the entire system and would like to prevent from happening in the future.
I recently switched my weather stations from Weather Flow to Davis and WD would not recognize the UV settings from the Davis. I had to edit the reg files to get rid of any references to WF. It worked but some other parameters like WU had to be reconfigured manually.
I’ve done a clean install of 150. Of course, the rain has stopped, so will have wait a few days to test. I’ll report back after the next shower if that helped. If not, I will then try a clean install with 149.