for those that are maybe thinking about getting the Pro 9000 then heres and
image of night time, with lights hitting the cloud from about 1/2 a mile away
The Pro 9000 does work very well in low light, but not total darkness, the
RightLight technology comes into its own when theres some light for it to work
Mine at least shows some street lights as we are elevated above the nearby streets - but I don’t get to see the pic very often as it is my 2nd webcam in WD, it will show more than the handycam used for the mainpic though - total darkness over farmland in that direction. But there are other cams that will work even in those poor extremes.
The Logitech Quickcam software once installed, has a webcam and settings icon (two gear cogs)…selecting this brings up the webacam settings menu page. A panel on the LHS of this page has the “Rightlight” settings icon (wide open iris?). Select that and a further panel pops out with individual “low light” settings and automatic tick boxes. Select what is required. This is for the Windows version…I presume the Mac is similar.
How do you run the Quickcam software and WD at the same time? On my system it appears that WD has complete control of the webcam and settings. And the WD settings do not allow me to set RightLight or AutoFocus…
Only install the drives for the cam during setup (custom setup) thats what i did this time
to cut down on anything else running to impede WD, when it was installed on my personal
computer i had the software installed but stopped it from loading with windows startup so
that eliminated that problem, but also, webcamcapture should have preference as the logitech
software should not connect to the cam till you open the software from the taskbar…
Note - Win XP SP3:
When the PC reboots or I restart WD, on engaging WDWebcamCapture.exe, the Logitech utility is opened - the vertical bar of grouped icons is now floating. Selecting the gear one as described, I have then selected the “eye” icon for rightlight, and ticked “Use Automatic RightLight settings”. I then close the utility down but the icon is still alive in the Systray. And all of the other normal color, contrast, etc sliders are there to use. I have used the Logitech utility without WD running, to setup these factors first with the image available to get the baseline values right. They are then transferred to the WD settings already. White balance is to the right and saturation is to the left, focus is 17. etc
The two programs are both running but the Logitech software cannot see the image.
Mine seem to be able to run at the same time, although I now routinely shut down the Logitech Panels (having set RightLight On) to just let the WD Webcam Capture do the work rather than have any possible future conflicts. I did notice that when I changed my webcam from a logitech 4000 to the newer Logitech, that there were a few changes to the WD WebCam capture control functionality panels. I’m assuming that when the WD WebCam prog starts, that on detection of the camera, it identifies the camera driver etc and puts it’s own version of camera controls in place using that driver info. However, with WD it appears limited, in that it does not know about the further implementation of RightLight technology, hence no specific RightLight control functionalilty . Mine does allow focus though, via WD Webcam!
Edit: Bashy, you posted (and Graeme too) whilst I was typing, but no real difference of opinion there that I can see (also on Win XP SP3).
If you just install the drivers, i am sure the WD webcamcapture has the rightlight setup under
camera settings so there is no real need to have the full software installed, see image
I wonder if the WD Webcam capture controls are the same for the Mac version?..I’m presuming that NORCALDAN…RV wherever…is using a Mac…interesting…mmm