There is a problem with the “Log file viewer” in that it does not display the Month and year.
Also is it possible to have the window / data expanded so that one can read the data a little better, for some of us ‘older’ users with
‘ageing’ eye sight
I’m not sure it has ever displayed month and year, after all the data file loaded is defined by month and year so having that data is superfluous. Also enlarging needs a rewrite of the code and as Brian is not around it is unlikely to happen, at least in the short term.
This (see attachment) is what I get in build 120 if I go View > Logs > Data Log File. It’s 10" x 8" on my 17" screen, so quite legible.
Where do you get the version you show?
He is showing the data file viewer not the log (text) file viewer which is what you show.
Finally found that at Action > View and Modify Log File/Rain Totals - no mention of Data until you open it. Agree it shows day but not month or year: Stuart’s explanation for that sounds reasonable to me.
But I don’t know why OP gets an odd day 2 at 09:12 in the middle of day 1. . .
but I have been answering emails so its not like I was not offering support
is this really an issue, re this thread,when you can view a logfile in good old notepad.exe , or am I missing something?