Local weather from the Isle of Wight United Kingdom

Hi all.

Just to let you all know there is another Isle of Wight, right at the bottom centre of the United Kingdom.

I started with weather link v5.4 in October 2003, and have now have data from three other local Island stations.

The weather display software take a bit of getting used to as it does so much more than weather link, but soon I will be running web pages displaying just wd data.

Looking good :smiley:

and I love this

its always great to see WD used in different parts of the world :slight_smile:

Hi Windy. We are in the same trade as you, except we supply and install milking sytems. We offer a 24/7 call out, but it might take too long to reach you!

we put in a new milk pump this season…a DC vaiable speed rubber impeller milk pump…but the water drain , just aover the pump, tro drain wash water after washing, is leaking milk…