Load history data from another source

My web server upgrade is nearing completion and as part of it I upgraded to PHP 8.2. I thought that everything I had was compatible with 8.2 but I missed one thing…MeteoTemplate, which I’ve been using for my own station site. I know Jachym is working on PHP8.2 compatibility but he’s not given any estimates of availability so I’m guessing it’s not imminent.

So, I’ve installed PWS Dashboard (https://blackpool.weather-watch.com/pswWD) as a temporary, and maybe permanent, measure. I have a lot of historic data for my location - 670,000 records going back to 1979 - and I’d loaded these into the MeteoTemplate database. Which leads to a few questions:

  1. Would PWS Dashboard cope with 670,000 history records? Does this question even make sense in the way that PWS stores the data. I’ve not tried to work out what’s stored where and how much of it there is.
  2. If so, is there a way to load history data in, for example, CSV format into PWS? Or is there some other way to load historic data from MySQL or another file format?
  3. Does PWS keep a record of all data? The MeteoTemplate database has a record every 5 minutes which is the kind of thing I mean rather than every single data point from each clientraw upload. As I’ve got a lot of historic data I’d like to be able to get the data out of PWS if I ever wanted to. If that’s not possible/easy to achieve then I guess I should look for a way to keep on populating the MeteoTemplate database with new data from clientraw.txt.

I know I’m treading on the edge of what normal people do, but if I don’t ask I’ll never know!

PHP 8 compatible: Meteotemplate is already PHP 8compatible with a few user-mods.
Check here: meteotemplate php 8.0/8.1 - Meteotemplate Forum

MeteoTemplate is a website template and a database.
It functions also as a “dedicated” weather-program.
It uses SQL to store the historical data

PWS_Dashboard is “only” a dashboard. No historical data needed.
It saves recent data in to a smal history file to display today, yesterday, month, year, all-time high-lows for a subset of the weather-items.

It uses the WU-data for graphs and for 2 data-analyse scripts.
Those files are in a slightly adapted original WU-CSV format

No easy interface available to / from SQL.


Thanks Wim.

I saw a history file but as I’ve only just installed PWS I didn’t know how much it would grow. Obviously not very much!

MeteoTemplate - I must have misunderstood Jachym’s recent post about PHP 8.2 - Update process - Meteotemplate Forum

The mods you are pointing too are not done by Jachym himself, but by Davidefa who has updated most of the scripts. Perhaps that’s why you where puzzled…

