Under weather station type the pulldown has “Irox/Nexus/Honeywell/RM Young” but I see nothing for setting up a RMY station. Is support planned in the future or will the Linux version never support it?
Debian 12
WD ver10.37linux build 338
I can only see references to RM Young stations bring used with Windows WD so it’s quite possible that the code to support the stations hasn’t been added to the Linux version.
Given that very few people seem to use those stations I suspect the only way to get an answer is to contact Brian directly by email to ask about it.
The other option might be for me to see if I could get the windows version to run under wine.
Looking back I see some people running WD under Wine but it’s all from many years ago. I suspect the interest in doing that waned after Brian released the Linux version of WD.
I guess it depends how much wine they’ve been using.
Given the amount of grief I’m getting with WXSim under Wine I suspect WD could also be problematic using Wine. I’m sure I don’t need to remind folks (but I will!) that Wine Is Not an Emulator, it captures windows calls and translates them to Linux.
I have run WD as a test using Virtualbox on Linux but that’s a ‘h e l l’ of an overhead if you want a small low power PC to run it and of course you still need Windows.
I’m not using Linux (except for a Rasp Pi group running WeeWx and different (NOT RMYoung) drivers.
I have had my RMYoung 28600 writing a data string to the serial port and having WD running under Windows 10 reading that without a problem.
I haven’t fiddled with it since I sent it up.
Are you using a similar datalogger/translator or is there an RM Young model that is different from that?
If you are running a similar unit or the much older translator (which I haven’t tried), I can dig around to find the string that WD expects to see on the serial port for you to try.
Just out of curiosity, have you chosen the RM Young as a choice and it will load under Linux?
The magical world of station drivers still amazes me. And the ability for WD to work with so many stations is also a huge factor in using it. I think I have had RM Young, Campbell Scientific dataloggers, Texas Wx. Instruments, Vaisala and Peet Bros all run at one time or another. Oh, my very first was the Heathkit ID-5001 so there a lot
Let me know if you don’t have the string composition to output and I’ll dig around a bit. I don’t think there was a document or anything that told me what to put in that string, but another forum member or Brian told me what WD expected, and I just wrote a series of serial instructions in the 26800 program to push that out at the selected baud rate. If I recall it is comma delimited but would know if I look, and also if it is all in metric or what WD wants to see.
Hi Dale,
You and I drove Brian crazy getting the RM Young to work a couple years ago? ??? as usual Brian came to the rescue and got it working on the windows version and it has been working fine ever since.
I am getting annoyed with win 11 & TPM and thought I would go back to Linux for some of the workload I have here.
Ah, I see. Yes, I’m not Win 11-ing, and don’t need that approach, but they are a huge force and pretty much do as they please.
I had forgotten the details. I am glad your memory (younger I’m sure!) is much better. I keep a notebook (old college courses habit) of things that I need to reference. I was going to look in there for the correct sequence.
Nonetheless, when Brian had a driver finisned, it seems to be always working for me, as you pointed out.