Links to pwsWD sites

I’ve tested adding the marker addition functionality and it’s quite simple. In fact it’s a bit too simple because it only allows you to select where to put the marker by address and not latitude/longitude. I don’t really want to start storing people’s addresses so unless I can find some way to allow the editor to accept coordinates then I’m proposing that I add all markers for now. I’ll keep on investigating and maybe ask the authors if there’s a way to do it.

That’s all for today though…I have to be up at 02:30 for a trip to the airport so it’s time to try to get some sleep now!

Safe trip…



52.776542 0.113655

(Not exact location for security)

Looking good at the moment, Just need a few more now.

The mapping area may need some adjustments
In landscape on iPad or edge on windows I get this truncated map

It looks ok in portrait mode on iPad

The map size is calculated automatically at the moment. It’s set to use as much width as possible and the height is calculated based on the screen height. I let it auto calculate to make the best use of multiple screen sizes but it seems that it doesn’t work well on some screen sizes.

The alternative is to set the map at a fixed size, e.g. 1024*768. The problem with doing that is it would only look good on a very specific screen size. On small landscape screens you’ll need to scroll, on bigger landscape screens it will look small. On portrait screens, especially phone screens it probably won’t look good at all and you’ll have to scroll a lot.

I’ll experiment with some more settings but I have a feeling I’ll end up with a map size that more people will dislike than like :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Have to say it looks OK in Edge here. . . but I have a scroll bar on the right and the coloured categories are off screen until you scroll down.

Map looks okay but I found that if you scroll the map 360° you lose the markers.

This project reminds me of my Weather-Display Locator World Map site…

I’ve changed the map to have a fixed pixel size (1200*800). It seems to work OK for me on my laptop, with a bigger display resolution, and on my phone with a smaller screen size, but on the phone there’s clearly a lot more scrolling.

That also seems to have fixed the grey bar effect too.

The markers do only appear on the original map area so if you scroll off from the original ‘UK’ to a second copy of the UK then you won’t see UK markers. I can’t see any settings that would correct this but I’m still experimenting.

It is pretty much the same.

I’ve added you to the map now.

For others wanting a marker on the map but who don’t want their exact location providing, just provide coordinates that reflect your approximate location, e.g. centre of your village/town, etc.

Map looks good, but no markers here.



Not sure why you don’t see markers. What if you click on one of the stations in the list at the bottom? Does that display a more local map for that station with the marker on it?

Dunno either, but now when i tried it, it had markers. All is well. In the words of Charles Dickens, maybe it was a speck of undigested meat.



The map was completely devoid of markers when I first looked this morning, too, just after reading your fixed-size post. Usually you see the clusters first, and they resolve themselves as you zoom in, but there was nothing at all. And as Jim had already reported it I just gave him a +1.

Map looked OK a little later, so I assumed you had sorted it.

Perhaps it was whilst I was working on it and the cache hadn’t updated? Anyway, as long as it’s working now that’s OK.

My PWS site is located at Sherman Connecticut Home Weather Station (wd version) (
My coordinates are 41.577, -73.473

Added to the map.

For anyone else wanting to be added to the map, please send me a message containing the details rather than adding to this thread. That will make it easier for me to handle too.

The map is starting to fill in quite nicely. Keep those links coming.



51.1N -1.2W

My site is Ιδιωτικός Μετεωρολογικός Σταθμός Πάτρας (KETX) Home Weather Station (wd version) from Patra Grecce.

  • Latitude : 38 14’ 21’’ N - Longitude : 21 45’ 5’’ E - Altitude : 56m