Hi All,
Today here in south-east England we have had a some thunder strorms rattling around, which my DFRobot_AS3935 lightning sensor detected. However weather display was not recording them from my nowcast.txt file see below.
Nowcast Wednesday, August, 12, 2020 at 23:07:27
3 Strokes per minute
19 Noises in the last minute
Is my nowcast file formetted correclty?
As far as I can see all my settings are correct?
Can any offer any help as to why its not being imported or used by WD.
Many thanks
I don’t think the nowcast.txt file has a header, e.g. ‘Nowcast Wednesday, August, 12, 2020 at 23:07:27’. I believe the format is…
x strokes per minute
x5 strokes in past 5 mins. (avg. y5/min.)
x10 strokes in past 10 mins. (avg. y10/min.)
x20 strokes in past 20 mins. (avg. y20/min.)
x30 strokes in past 30 mins. (avg. y30/min.)
x60 strokes in past 60 mins. (avg. y60/min.)
I think WD only uses the first line though, i.e. ‘x strokes per minute’
Thankyou for your reply,
The example nowcast.txt fil I have tried to mimmick was downloaded from the internet and formatted as attatchedvto this message.
I will remove the header info to see if that works.
I have included a picture of mt lightning settings justn in case these are setup wrong
nowcast.txt (2.69 KB)
Further to my previous email I have been in the middle of a number of thunder storms and recorded many flashes/strokes. I have also tried a number or diffent nowcast.txt formats. All showing either x number of Strokes or flashes. And WeatherDisplay does not appear ingest the data so nothing get recorded or plotted. I have check the settings/advanced/lightning settings and made sure that the programme can find nowcast.txt file. Which it can.
Is the nowcast option working Weather Display?
Regards Michael
make sure to be using the latest version of WD
then email your nowcast.txt file and your WD settings and I will check /test here
Thanks for offering to help.
On Fridey I was ablebto get Weather Display to start injesting data from a NOWCast.txt, which is shows on the 1Wire graph but not the Nextstorm graph, is that normal?
I have attatched my both my homemade NOWCast.txt file and WeatherDisply.ini.
I have the lastest version of Weather Display.
Many Thanks Michael
NOWCast.txt (219 Bytes)
never put your settings files on the forum
I posted to email them to me
you should remove it
it sounds like you have it working now…?
Thanks for reminding me. I have remobed the inif file.
Are you able to tell me if Weather Diasplay uses flashes (all forms of lightning) or stokes(cloud to ground lightning) when it injest the nowcast.txt file?
just using the strokes per minite…if that changes then WD will use that to indicate there has been a strike