Lightning Count On Graph Page with WeatherFlow

Just thought I’d add my 2 cents. When looking at the values for lightning tags in WD, they are always much lower than WeatherFlow’s strike count. (Maybe about half as many.) I use these WD tags: %lighteningcountlastminute%, %lighteningcountlast30minutes%, %lighteningcountlast12hour%

I am not sure why WD is missing some of the strike counts (it looks for the change and adds that to its own total)
I will check the code again…

I am using second instance of WD and WeatherFlow setup.

Todays count.

26 - 25

Last weeks count for 3 days.

950 - 141
150 - 40
163 - 45

[quote author=Weerstation link=topic=65189.msg547566#msg547566 date=1560940157]
I am using second instance of WD and WeatherFlow setup.

Oh, I’m using second instance of WD for WF too. Maybe that has something to do with the low counts in WD??

I might have found something …
try a new .zip update of WD,ready now…

Okay, downloaded and installed update zip. Waiting for thunderstorm which may begin any minute. I’ll report back.

After installing the updated ZIP file, I had a small thunderstorm. WF counted 6 strikes and WD counted 5. Not much of a test, I’m afraid. Hopefully a larger storm will come my way soon!

I think it will be OK now (might just miss the first strike)

I do .zip update and yesterday WF record 123 strikes and WD record only about 45 strikes.
Last night I update WD with .exe installation. Today I expect again day with lightning srtikes.

Tonight WD record 17 strikes, WF record 35 strikes

Just had a decent thunderstorm. After the ZIP update, WeatherFlow = 342 strikes; Weather Display = 89.

what I could do is add some debug code to see what is happening

I had updated to the zip file when it first came out.

Had a storm come through this morning. Weather flow recorded over 2,100 strikes during hour storm period while Weather display is only showing 376 strikes for the last 12 hours.


I need to re look at my code and do some testing/debugging more
but I am away for a week
so will pick this up when I get back 8O


This thread is almost a year old.
We don’t get much lightning around here.
I’d like to know if this difference in counts between WD and WeatherFlow is still an issue.
Yesterday we had lightning and WF recorded 131 strikes.
WD showed a lot less strikes, 48 to be precise.

when someone next has lightning counts going on, post here their station ID and I will do some testing

Installed the Weatherflow Tempest as an additional monitor for my Davis Vantage Pro II in January and am using it to pull in the Solar and Lightning data.

Solar is working fine.

We had our first “storm” last night and Tempest has recorded 2 strikes, but nothing is showing in WD (I’m using 10.37S124).

The link to the history is

And I’m attaching the lightning counts screen and Weatherflow setup screen

Are there any other settings I should check?

Many thanks


that is strange…that should be working…as I have not had other reports of this particular ability not working
but I will do some testing this coming week and let you know

Thanks Brian,

Really appreciated you taking a look, and hopefully you can track it down


Seems to be working ok with my WF station and build 123…did they make changes in the Tempest data stream?