Leuven and meteotemplate clientraw NOT CURRENT


since the last 5 days i’m having an issue with the clientraw.txt not current. When i restart the WD it is current for the first minute and half after it show not current. I have restart the WD many times and still the same issue. In the WD webfile, the clientraw.txt is always up to date. But on my 2 webpages, leuven is updating between 3-5 mins instead of 10 secs and meteotemplate 5 to 30 mins instead 2.5 secs.

System status

Realtime file uploadWD/clientraw.txt NOT Current
Weather data files uploadWD/tagsWD.txt Current
Weather data time Current
Graphs uploadWD/dirplot.gif Current




This is not a bug, this is a wrong time-setting for the upload of your clientraw.
It seems to be uploaded every 5 minutes from your PC to your website.
You can check that with your FTP program.
Your settings in the template are default set to 1 1/2 minutes max for the realtime (=clientraw) file.
So after a fresh load the time status is OK, but the scripts expect a fresh clientraw every minute and therefor the status page signals that.

How and how frequent to upload clientraw can maybe found in the youtube movie for this on Weather Display youtube Help Video's

I am not in-depth familiar with all 12 supported weather-programs, but it would help if you explain more in detail:

  1. Are you uploading only 1 set of clientraw files or 3 sets (1 set for each WD webfile, Leuven, Meteotemplate)
  2. Is one of those uploads set to upload every minute or are they all stale / old?
    If one of those clientraw sets is always recent you can instruct the template to read the clientraw files from that location as long as they are on the same domain.


I only have one set of clientraw.txt frow WD webfile for leuven and meteotemplate.

In the real FTP time clientraw FTP 8.8, the clientraw is uploading every 3 secs…

The thing i have not make any change or modification since over 3 months… So for me it is weird that suddenly not working properly… And also i now remember since i have download the last update (july 22) of WD its acting like that…

check in the clientrawrealtimeftp that the clientraw file is uploading to the correct remote directory and is uploading OK etc
there is the ftprealtimelog.txt
you will be using the new version of the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe, where I have added full secure FTP support
there is a thread where I wanted people to test it first…but very few took that up and instead just download the latest update anyway

I guess i’m gonna have to take screenshot of my WD and post it… I’m kinda confuse #-o :frowning:
Where is the the new clientrawrealftp.exe?

ftprealtimelog.txt (880 Bytes)

clientraw.txt (749 Bytes)

the new clientrawrealtimeftp.exe you have…vers 8.8…you would have got it from a new update of WD you downloaded and installed
in the log
Changing to remote directory /public_html/weather28/uploadWD
CWD /public_html/weather28/uploadWD
250 OK. Current directory is /domains/meteostalphonse.com/public_html/weather28/uploadWD

is there nothing else after that?

Nope Brian. I will try to send you picture here or facebook later today

that is odd
have you tried selecting to use passive mode?
if you could email me your FTP settings I could try here

Well after 5 days and spending so much hours searching what went wrong… Find out that is the new clientrawrealtimeftp wouldn’t upload the clientraw.txt… I replace the new by the old version, i restart the WD and voil

if you could email me your settings files, I will check/test what happens here, with the new clientrawrealtimeftp

Brian, witch settings do you need?

there is a FAQ on the forum section about how to send your settings and also a youtube video as well

I’m sorry i must be blind!!! #-o I didn’t see in the FAQ or youtube how to send the settings files… Would be much easier if you post the direct link. I will buy some glasses! :lol:


But the video seems to be MIA :frowning:


Oops, I didn’t read the whole title of that one :oops:

have you had a chance to email me your settings?

I had begun to think that my FTP problem was not due to WD, but could this be the same problem as mine, or just a coincidence?


completly different issue
not sure how you think its the same issue?