10.19 zip should be ready now
You’ve got it Brian 10.19 is a winner :lol:
Cheers John
it was some debug code I had left in there
now tomorrow i will add thresholds for the soil moisture
Hello Brian
I have found that if you have the two ROMS loaded Leaf wetness and Soil moisture
they seem to react with each other.
If the Leaf Sensor is completely dry and reading 0 and the soil sensor is connected , the leaf seems to pick up on the soil sensor’s readings
disconnect Soil moisture and the Leaf sensor reads 0 again dry state.
by its self the leaf sensor is working great.
if it is not to troublesome to describe how do I get the Tag value %1wireleaf% on to my web site please
very new to that and have not figured it out
did go create custom tag, I see %1wireleaf% in a text file that was created in the webfolders
unclear if I was going down the right track
Thanks John
not sure why the interaction at this stage
it might be that i have to have separate data array for each , just now looking at the code
if you put that in say datahtm3.txt
then under setup, control panel, webfiles/webpage setup, tick to have custom tags in the web page
Thanks heaps Brian
Waiting for a rainy day now
I don
i will get that to work,…in the next version
try the latest zip version
this might be fixed now
Hi Brian
Latest changes appreciated as always
currently running WD ver19r
fixed, there is no interaction between the two moisture ROMS now
both reading independently now
With the soil moisture there is the raw mv value but where you have volume, after the RAW value
this seems not to be working, has remained at Volume 0.290 with the ROM connected or disconnected
I have also placed the %VPsoilmoisture% to get the raw data up to the web site. Should that be working now
Excellent work its comming togeather
Much appreciated John
the 0.29 is a y offset contanst in the calculation
try this new zip version, for the custom tag to work
good the conflict is gone
that means people can add soil moisture quite cheaply to any weather station now
i will have to do this myself