Latest Mac build (v346) [Resolved]

Hey Brian

Things continue to be stable. Yes I turned off screen saver. Yes things have been going good.

I saw there was a new version (build 346) so I downloaded it and installed it. Yet WD says its build 338

I tried this multiple times, same thing

Am I missing something?-

it might have installed to a different location (i.e like a sub folder or similar or the applications folder in your home folder…i.e try doing a search for it)

Do you mean the weatherdisplay.pkg file? If so for sure it went to downloads. In Safari I clicked show in folder which took me to it

the package file installs a file
so search for installs of that

all i seem to find is the one which is the application itself with a time stamp of when I did this

I did a find “on my mac”

that looks like 2 files
so one of those will be the latest
(right mouse click on them to open the application bundle, so that you can then see the contents folder and the latest exe file is in the MacOS folder

Thanks. .I did that

In the top one from my screen shot when I expand I get this

Then on the other one I get this

Neither seem to match the latest update

the last one is the latest
look at the modified date/time of the exe file (black icon) in the MacOS folder
i.e its 23 July 2020

so should I delete both and re-download the latest

why not try launching that one, the one I have pointed out?

my apologies… I did not see the comment where you said to launch both.

I just tried that - one is the old build the other new. I deleted the old one

Just odd… in the many years of WD never saw that happen. Not sure what I did wrong

Thanks none the less