Large webcam image not working *(Solved)

managed to get the small webcam image block working (some how trial and error, probably not the correct way) trying to get the enlarged image but not managed up to now, says script needs editing, which script, any help appreciated

You can always right-click on a link in most browsers. It will allow you to display the link in a new window or tab.

It will show the full link, most importent part the script: _my_settings/webfilm_popup.php

Study that script, the message comes from line 24.
Now first set that line to comment by adding a # on the first position of line 24.

The rest of the script is the iFrame code you should adept to your setup.

You can test your adaptions with the debug-console PWS_module_test.php
That way you will also see error messages if there are any.


Thanks working now, just that # made the difference, just shows a little knowledge can be dangerous