What is the “over 50kt windspeed toggle on lacrosse 2310” button do? and why doesnt it stay checked. If i check the box and click OK then get out and get back in the box is unchecked. I ask this because WD has recorded 80 mph gusts (spikes) on several occasions. I am using the 2310 in cable mode and not wireless.
While waiting for some more replies…
I also have a WS-2310, and did tons of research on it. There have been some problems noted about the wind sensor spiking. First, are the spikes also shown on the 2310 console?
Check this post with the link within - some reading to get you started.
sounds like you need to do the modication of replacing the cable between the temp/hum sensor and the anenometer to stop the false windspeed reading from occuring (you end up with a OVR on the console)
the toggle is for when if you actualy are having winds over 50 kts
Thanks for the great suggestions everybody. I did some research on 2310 wind spikes. I dont think what is happening is related to RF interference. The spikes are fairly rare (i.e. every few days) and when they do occur it is during windy conditions (15-20 mph). On the graph it will show fairly steady winds and then 1 spike that is 75-80 mph. I do not get any spikes when the winds are light.
Unfortunately these wind spikes usually occur during the day when I am at work so I cant check the base station.
I will keep on the problem and let you know. In the mean time if anybody has any suggestions let me know.
I have a 2315 and am having a problem with the spikes but it is related to the RF interference. Until I can change the cable, (I can not believe that Lacrosse has not fixed this…In fact, on another board the lacrosse people even point you to the website on how to fix their problem yourself, I guess you get what you pay for…), is there any negative towards using the wind spike removal option that is there for another unit? I clicked it two days ago and it seems to have solved the problem…
no real negative, no
(although does it stop the spike from showing up in the daily max gust?)
yes, it is disapointing the station is stil being shipped with that defect. I understand a new model is coming out, the 3600, and maybe it will have a better quality cable.
note that la crosse dont actualy make the weather station, i would say, it will most likely be an outfit in China
I had the same spiking problems and didn’t think that it was an RF problem. But after remembering that RF energy is electrical. DC current is what is powering the windspeed. And sending pulses to the display. Phone cable has no shielding at all. After replacing the cable with shield cat5 cable both the supply and signal wires are shielded. Stopping crosstalk to the signal cable stopping the windspeed spikes. Haven’t had a spike since replacing the cable. Just food for thought.
yeah, its actualy electrical intefence between the wires in the cable, interference from the 5 volt supply mainly, and some if it originates all the way from the pc’s serial port…up the wires…
This may or may not help someone here. I have had the problems with windspikes with my 2315, mostly of the 57 mph variety and a few 27 mphs. I have read about the problems and how to replace the cable with something shielded. On another board someone mentioned that by twisting the cables that it would, somehow, help to eliminate this “interference”. So, last weekend I got on the roof and unplugged end of the cable from the temp/humidity sensor and taped it to a bit on the end of my drill. I used the rotation of the drill to turn the cable and add a bunch of twists to it. I hooked it back up to the temp/humidity box and reset the 2315.
I have not seen any bad readings/spikes in the last four days, whereas before I was having 10-15 a day.
as strange as it may seem the wind spikes I originally complained about have all but disappeared. I get one or two every few weeks. I did not change anything in the software or replace any cables. I guess it proves what I have been telling my wife all these years. If you ignore it it will probably go away.
[quote author=Rich10z link=topic=4998.msg40483#msg40483 date=1100119777]
as strange as it may seem the wind spikes I originally complained about have all but disappeared.
possibly, but believe it or not we had a thunderstorm pass through yesterday (rare for Colorado this time of year) and I did not notice any spikes. My best guess is that maybe Brian tweaked something in WD. When I first bought the station I was using weather view and never had any spikes. It’s only a guess though.
I’ve had problems with rainwater getting inside the wind sensor and creating spikes. Sometimes it would even create a short, to the point where no wind readings would be reported. Things would always return to normal after the rain ended and once everything dried out, usually the next day. I took some measures to keep water from entering the shaft at the end of the unit (where the wire comes out) and haven’t had a problem since.
note, i have been working on fixing the direct data extraction at start up
uploading a new zip version now that , for my testing, works pretty well
My wind sensor has gone out for about a day now. Seems to go out every time it snows! Once it has crapped out, is there any way to get it back? Or do you just have to wait?
[quote author=KB3LMS link=topic=4998.msg49337#msg49337 date=1106490568]
My wind sensor has gone out for about a day now. Seems to go out every time it snows!