Labjack soil temperature sensor

I have noticed that my soil temperature reading has been off now that it is getting colder. The sensor is currently showing that the soil is 58F. When I checked the soil temperature, it was showing 40F. I am using one of the EI-1022 probe for the soil temperature and a EI-1050 Digital Temperature/Humidity Probe as a secondary temp/hum sensor for outdoor temp. It looks like WD is using the temp reading from the 1050 probe as the soil temperature. When I looked at the extra sensor page, the temp/hum sensor 1 was showing the same temperature as the soil temperature.

I have the 1022 sensor plugged into analogue input 0 and the 1050 plugged into digital inputs 0 and 1.

Just a though, have checked under setup. (I have sensor (reading will be as extra sensor), view the readings) view the readings at botton of page sensor# to use for soil temperature? Joe

I have checked there and it is set for the correct sensor number. I have tried moving the sensor around and it looks like it is picking up the sensor in the soil. It is the digital sensor’s temp that it is not display. It does appear that the soil sensor is a bit off. I will know for sure once the ground freezes.