Hi Wim,
Even if I don’t see a need for a decimal place, it can still exist. I just don’t want it to look like this, so I would prefer a round(value,1).
Hi Wim,
Even if I don’t see a need for a decimal place, it can still exist. I just don’t want it to look like this, so I would prefer a round(value,1).
Was included in the previous message download. Should work.
0 decimals for EPA, 1 for the others.
0 decimals for EPA, 1 for the others.Confirmed! Thanks!
My high/low values and text wind direction (at foot of block) do not update unless I refresh the page in the browser. Still using the first version, modified to use with my old 1907 dashboard livedata, and I did update the code for the loop to process all Ajax fields to agree with the latest version, so it’s probably something I’ve done :?
The simple2.php script needs to set the left and right fields as ajax-ones.
If not, it will not work as the javascript only updates the ajax-fields it can find.
I thought that there should be no changes needed for an older dashboard version other then the optional language select.
I try to make the script independent of the dashboard, so please mark the lines you adapt with ##### if you are going to convert the latest version.
The _data.php should be more heavily changed/adapted i think,
Gotcha! That’s where I was changing floor() and ceil() this morning.
I thought that there should be no changes needed for an older dashboard version other then the optional language select.
I tried and failed to get that to work, so I just turned it off.
I try to make the script independent of the dashboard, so please mark the lines you adapt with ##### if you are going to convert the latest version.The _data.php should be more heavily changed/adapted i think,
OK, I’ll have a look at the new version of simple2.php. I think you are right, I made more changes to _data.php
I was pleased to discover that clientraw.txt has high/low humidity, so I just added a couple of lines to w34_livedata.php to get ‘humidity_high’ and ‘humidity_low’.
Done, name changed to simple.php: Swanston Grove simply
Only one real change, to get rid of the word “Refresh:” so that it doesn’t move backwards and forwards as the countdown proceeds
Count doesn’t need to be in monospace font as long as the font has tabular figures, where numbers are all the same width.
EDIT: I also changed module_title font-weight from bold to 500. All that bold looks a little overpowering.
I have two AQ sensors a Davis and an Ecowitt - PWS shows them fine https://longsutton-weather.co.uk/index.php
The simple interface picks up the Ecowitt (internal) one - how would I get it to display both?
The simple interface picks up the Ecowitt (internal) one - how would I get it to display both?Just add the corresponding line in simple2.php. Something like:
$parts[]= array('pm25_c_aqi2' ,'pm25_a_aqi2' ,'pm25_crnt2' ,'AQ sensor 2' ,'average','um<sup>3</sup>', false, ' - '.$weather['aqhi_type'].' '.lang('Index'), '');
Of course you could copy the line for sensor #1 and exchange the channel number …
But perhaps the key names are different for Davis and Ecowitt. But you should test this.
Regards, Oliver
Thanks for the quick reply - done as you suggested but still not displaying it
By definition:
The simple script is a basic “console” replacement, not a full dashboard replacement.
The simple script, the sticker script and other similar scripts use only the stations data from the livedata script.
Including the stations AQ, soil, lightning sensors a.s.o.
Extra’s based on the easyweather-settings:
The first release of pwsWD already used an extra sensor selection for WeatherFlow, the lightning part was handled as a station-sensor.
The 2012_lts release also includes ecowitt AQ/Co2 and lightning as additional station sensors.
There is no easy way to do that with other sensors also, as dashboard blocks are coded as stand-alone scripts.
But I will put it on the “ToSolve” list.
The word refresh disappears if you translate it to
But the : will remain and continue to “dance”.
I will make it optional similar to the language selection box.
The counter is used to warn for a stalled script.
Not in my lang.en.php
But the [b]:[/b] will remain and continue to "dance".
I wanted to get rid of both. . .
The counter is used to warn for a stalled script.
I do want to keep that, it is quite useful.
Test this one.
Have fun,
Edit 2021-09-10 Removed download, latest version in first post.
KIS*S :lol:
What is “trend” supposed to show?
$parts = array();
# value -low -high header arrow arrow trend extra unit
$parts[]= array('temp' ,'temp_low' ,'temp_high' ,'Temperature' ,true ,true , true, ' - °', 'temp_units');
Will be included in a future release as soon as i have rewritten all livedata scripts.
For now it is not used.
Today 2021-09-10 first beta version attached, also available from first post
Have fun,
The script name is simple.php without a numeral.
simple_2021_09_10.zip (10.6 KB)