Java Web Cam viewer?

I’ve just started playing around with a web cam image. How do you set up the Java Web Cam Viewer? I’m generating a web cam image and it’s making the animated gif so the web cam is working (as far as I can tell.) I have an image folder and a separate folder for the Java Web cam viewer. I unzipped the buttons into that folder. Under the setup I’ve put the URL to that folder in the Your web page URL blank. It’s kind of interesting in that the box is white and for some reason the font is white. The only way I can see what is in that box is to highlight it. I’ve clicked “Upload time stamped web cam file for jave script viewer” box. Web cam files are jpeg files being produced by another program which WD is taking and converting to a gif file. I’m assuming that it uses the gif files so I had the “it is a gif file” ticked. I just unticked it being that nothing is being loaded into that folder. I have to assume that WD is reading the folder OK because after hitting the “Setup/reset a java script viewer” button and it built the javewebcamviewer.hml file in the root folder and found all the button files in the image/jvcam folder. What do I have to do to get this working?


what is the url

URL to the viewer is The folder where the buttons and I would think it would upload files for the viewer is Weather/WD/image/jvcam. No files are being uploaded to that folder.

ah, is this being run on your own server?
in the java web cam page source, you have:

which looks ok

now, what you may need to do is set the web files location to that wd/image/jvcam
try that?
or at least the location for the wewb cam ?

Just a thought, is “” on the same network (behind the same router) as the WD machine? If so you may not be able to get to connect to it using port forwarding, at least it didn’t work for me when I was playing with remote access.

Yes it is being run on my own server. Also it all files are on the same computer. Webcam picture is being produced by an ISight camera on a Mac Computer. It is grabbing a picture every minute and saving it across the network to the “image” folder as webcam.jpg. In the WD setup under “Setup image setting for other web cam capture software image / Set the web came file sorce” . . .image/webcam.jpg is selected. Then in “Set the web cam file destination”. . . image/webcam/mywebcam.gif is set up. In the . . .image/webcam folder the files I’m getting is: mywebcam.gif, newmywebcam.gif, newmywebcam1-9.gif, newjavamywebcam.gif (only one) then lots of time stamped files like 2050mywebcam.gif, and 2030animatedwebcam.gif. I have it set to make animations. I reset the javacamviewer to the webcam folder where all the web cam files are being produced. I moved a few of the buttons in there just to make sure its was seeing the location. Still not sure why the area to type in the web URL address is typing in a white font so you can’t see what you type. I have to type it in notepad and then copy and paste it in to the line so I know what I’m typing. If you go to my javacamviewer (URL in other post) you will see some buttons and some missing (I haven’t moved them all in the webcam folder yet) but no webcam pictures. I’d put the webcam pictures in the root folder but I’ve got so many files there already I’d rather have them in a separate folder. What am I doing wrong? I’m getting ready to put a network camera up on a 32’ tower which will be a neat image when I get it up and going. Right now the webcam image is some nerd looking confused. :smiley:

i will do some testing of this feature…

ok, i have fixed the white text bug, and i have added a new tick, i.e to create the time stamped files in the webfiles folder
(they are the format"
for 3pm :slight_smile:

(i.e only every hour)
i guess it could be possible to use a minute time stamp instead, and have the file produced each minute

Cool I’ll give it a try.

i will let you know when its ready to download

Guess I tried too fast. Just installed 10.17y but no extra tick and still white text. What is the version number?

it will be the same version number, but i will let you know when its ready to download
( i only have 128 k upload, and then there are now 4 servers its copied to by a script)

try a new 10.17y zip version now :slight_smile:

Ok, now I can see what I type and it’s saving images. Can’t ask for much more than that :smiley: exceot I will. In the FTP/Internet Setup/webcam contol panel I have the “Upload/update daytime only” box unticked, wanting to have it uploaded 24 hours. The last file created yesterday was cam20.gif and the first one created today was cam5.gif. Is there some other setting to get cam1 through 24 created? Other than that it’s working great.