Issues with WL downloading archieve when WD running

Hi there,

I have a simple setup, weatherlink and weather display.
I am using a IP logger. Also using the great virtualVP software.

But recently, it has not been so great, and actually making me have to do some stuff manually every day at the moment.

What the issue is when both WD and WL are connecting and collecting data, weatherlink has issues downloading the archieve hourly, it does seem to display the current conditions, but nothing is being saved into the WLK file.

If i close down WD and then try downloading the archieve, it does so.

I have tried using a mixture of serial/IP ports, all IP ports and all serial ports.
Sometimes i even get no luck at all with weatherlink connecting at all, which does annoy me.

Any ideas of what can be done here or what the suspect issue is?

Its been going on for over a month now i would say.

Many thanks,