I was messing around with my WD Main Display and managed to mess up one of my dials. Mainly the Wind Direction. Is there a fix to bring it back to normal? Got too big and I cannot reduce the size. Also I think I messed up my last saved so the dial is not quite right. Somehow I cannot post an attachment because the upload folder seems to be full. The attachment is a 61 KB gif file.
Hi Stan - I feel partly guilty - You can use the Ctrl key and the mouse to grab the bottom right corner of an object and slide it left and upwards to make it smaller but not the direction blue circle.
You should be able to resize the Speed dial though with the numbers around the outside using the method described above (Customise main screen Use Ctrl Shift to locate resize objects) but otherwise, if you have a 1024 x 768 screen you could edit in the registry and fix them.
If it is the speed dial you are working on try these values:
Close- Save WD
Run - Regedit.exe
HKey_Current_User - [wdisplayftp.ini] -
speedguage x - 109
speedguage xx - 182
speedguage y - 109
speedguage yy - 54
number below:
speedguagenumber x - 51
speedguagenumber xx - 217
speedguagenumber y - 25
speedguagenumber yy - 139
as possible positions
x is horizontal length of field, left to right.
xx is horiz pixels in from LHS to top left corner of field
y is vertical depth of field
yy is vert position down for top left position of field.
After making changes in the registry, just close the regedit file and then restart WD.
Alternatively, if you have not really made any changes to the main screen, then you can delete the KEY Mainscreen Customise and restart WD, but the overall size will be different (designed for 800 x 600) and any color changes and positions you have made will revert to default.
Thanks for the info. Don’t feel guilty on your suggestions. Sometimes I get carried away with my fiddling around. Tried to post an image of a snap shot for the problem dial but got this message when I tried:
“The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator.”
Image size is about 11 KB.
Don’t know where this is coming from. Me or the Forum’s server…
Anyway, are those settings the default setting in the registry? If so that would be great. It is the blue direction circle that is the problem. It just gets bigger and not smaller. Will try your settings sometime this weekend and hope that it is the default and go from there.
BTW, The wind speed dials worked out great. Thanks.
Ooops - you said Wind Direction - the blue circle device can grow and get out of hand. to Fix that one, shut down WD, then go into the same registry path and find the key second one down I think all 4 lines of abgear dial, close Regedit and restart WD. It may still need to be shifted a little using main screen customise as before and Shift - mouse cursor…
Or you could try using these params:
abcompass1 x - 103
abcompass1 xx - 306
abcompass1 y - 94
abcompass1 yy - 58
abgeardial x - 64
abgeardial xx - 326
abgeardial y - 64
abgeardial yy - 74
Thanks for the correction. I thought that the wind speed parameters that was posted was not the correct one so did not do anything to it. I can control the wind speed dial but the wind direction dial, especially the blue circle/disk really got out of hand. I could not control that part of the dial for some reason. Hope to play around with it this weekend sometime. Thanks for the parameters and will let you know how it turns out.
I don’t know if the problem with up loading a snapshot has been worked on or not. Will try to attach an update later. Maybe by that time the issue of upload folder being full will be resolved. I wonder if Chris knows about this???
Chris may not know yet but Bashy has made a post about it and Brian has seen it and responded and may send an email to Chris himself. The key values for the blue disc are the x = 64 and y = 64 values - that means it is describing a square 64 wide and 64 deep that the circle would fit into. The xx and yy values describe the x-y corrdinates of the top left corner of the 64-64 field box.
Thanks for the key values explanation. Will play around with it sometime tonight and see what happens.
I saw the post about the uploading images, so hope that Chris will solve the issue when time permits. Wonder if it is related to the data base crash earlier. Hope that it gets resolved soon.
Looks like I still have the wind direct dial. I think it is messed up a bit more now. I think I got to the correct place to do the changes. Went to regedit, went into HKey_Current_User - [wdisplayftp.ini] to dials screen custom then changed in the parameters to:
abcompass1 x - 103
abcompass1 xx - 306
abcompass1 y - 94
abcompass1 yy - 58
abgeardial x - 64
abgeardial xx - 326
abgeardial y - 64
abgeardial yy - 74
Rebooted the entire system and brought up WD with the same issues.
I hope that the attachments are now working. The Wind Direction Dial snapshot is before and WD Main Display 2 is after.
I am using 1024 x 768 screen resolution with my weather computer.
Guess back to the drawing board and see what happens.
Any more assistance is greatly appreciated to solve my issue.
Thank you much so far. Never knew that this ini in regedit existed. Another lesson learned.
Stan - it seems your main screen is std. so that means we can delete those 8 elements and let wd bring them back in again. Best to do [Action] - [Backup Windows registry] first. Shut WD down with Save - Exit and then run regedit again, and just delete those 8 lines. With a bit of luck, WD will make them well again!!
It looks like you need about 48 instead of 64, and reduce those (x, y) for the abcompass by a similar amount - ratio (3/4). The xx, and yy may still be appropriate and you can move them around with Shift and mouse after going back to Setup, Advanced, Customise main screen… and then don’t forget to go back in there after and Save changes, and then Prevent changes.
Sorry - I wish I was there and I could help you a whole lot easier…
I wish you were here also… I think that something is really messed up with that dial. I now cannot find “dials screen custom” in the HKey_Current_User - [wdisplayftp.ini] area for some reason. Guess I am up too late to see what I am doing. Will check it out later tomorrow sometime.
Another thing cropped up…when WD first comes up with the main display, the display comes on very briefly like about .5 seconds and it looked normal then it come up with a very large display that I cannot see the entire display. Then I go to Setup>Advanced/Misc Settings>Main Window Customize and click on Reload Last Save, very thing come back to normal except the wind direction dial that we are trying to correct. You see this on the WD Main Display 2.gif attachment.
Guess I am just tired for now and will have a go at it tomorrow.
Thank you for your assistance so far. We will solve all one of these days. The bright side is that this part of WD is not being posted on any of my weather web pages. So things are good in that front.
Thank you for the reply and the pointing me in the right direction in locating the registry position. Guess I was too tired last night to see straight.
Do I need to delete this section also?
abcompass1 x =
abcompass1 xx =
abcompass1 y =
abcompass1 yy =
Hope that this will solve the issue. Will work on it when the sun goes down this evening. Will post result.
Finally got the Wind Direction Dial the way it should. Thank you for sticking with me through this issue. Guess my head got cleared up from last nights being up too late and trying to fix some issues with my computer.
A new issue cropped up in the mean time as noted in a previous post that when I first bring up WD the display is rather large as seen in the screen shot, Large Main Display1. Then when I went into Setup>Advanced/Misc Settings>Main Window Customize and click on Reload Last Saved, everything appears normal, as seen in the screen shot, Normal Main Display2.
Is there something I need to change to skip this step? If so, where can I make the display stick to being normal and not large?
Looks like Chris got the Attachment issue resolved also.
Again thank you for fixing the main issue for this thread.
Stan, glad we are making progress - deleting those lines was what I was saying in my last post at the top. For the oversized display, go to [Setup] - [Full Screen when larger than 800 x 600] and choose [Width].
This should shrink the screen down to fit your monitor.
Then if the blue abgear dial is in the wrong place, go to [Setup] - [Main Window Customise] and [Enable Move resize of objects] and Shift and mouse cursor to put the dial where it should be.
Then go Right Click on the graphs on RHS and go to near the bottom of the list for
[Save changes for customisation of Main Screen].
Go to [Action] - [Backup Windows registry].
And if everything is as it should be, then for good measure, Exit WD and Save on the way out and then restart.
That should hopefully give you a screen that opens the right size whenever you start.
Oh BOY!!! Really messed up the Main Screen now. Guess was too early in the morning to try to work on this issue. I cannot get back to my normal screen again for some reason. Is there a way to get back to default for the size and the placement of the dials and other info that is on the left side of the graph side??? See my screen snap shot now. Yikes!!!
Depending on whether your previous Backup last night has not been overwritten, then I suggest going to wdisplay/backup and find wdisplay.reg file, check the date and time, and while WD is turned off, click on that and the last saved version should come back. Then restart WD.
Under Setup, there is another command mid near the bottom for Reset the main screen and start again or somesuch - if the registry job above was not useful.
Thanks for all so far. I did what I can and I am back where I think I can live with right now. Will see what happens as time goes by. Maybe when I can spend more time on the size issue when WD first starts up “large” and use the Reload Last Saved at Setup>Advanced/Misc Settings>Main Window Customize and click on Reload Last Saved, everything appears normal.
BTW, what is RHS in the above quote?
Thanks again for all the assistance, especially for those two dials.