Io Error 6 while reseting web averages/extremes

For some reason, WD has always had a problem with generating the web averages/extremes for December 2001. I tried it again today, and it again failed, but now I can see that there is an IO error 6 occurring each time I try to reset it. (From the program error log)

Any ideas Brian?


is this via reset the web page averages/extreme, under view, averages/extreme, and selecting the year as 2001?

Yes it is. If I remember correctly, the December 2001 log file is missing data for the 30th and the 31st because of a power failure.

zip and email me your 122001lg.txt file from the folder logfiles

I emailed the file, did you get it?

just been completly swamped
will get to it soon

Ok, no problem, just making sure you received it.

Another question - when I try to recreate the web Averages/Extremes for December 2002, it does not work either, and I get a program error log entry of “File Not Found”, and the web file contains no data.

The log file for December 2002 is in the log directory. What file is missing?


have made sure you have changed the year to 2002 and the month to 12?

I select 12 2002 for the month. Progress bar moves 2 notches. Nothing else happens. I go to “View Program Errors” and see the “File Not Found” error. I know the log file for 12/2002 is there, I can view the averages/extremes for that month and correct them.

So then I tried 11/2002, 10/2002, 10/2001 - same problem. What folder does this reset function look in for the log files? How do you convert the list boxes containing 12 and 2002 into a log file? Something is broken here!

I cannot even recreate the origin IO Error 6 any more - the whole web reset seems to be broken for me!


9.44a Update - the program error log I now get is:

trends last month file= c:\wdisplay\datafiles\month122002.inf
trends last month file= c:\wdisplay\datafiles\month122002.inf
ERROR: File not found at time/date 7:54:48 PM 1/9/2003
trends last month file= c:\wdisplay\datafiles\month122002.inf
trends last month file= c:\wdisplay\datafiles\month122002.inf

The inf and log files do exist:

C:\wdisplay\datafiles>dir c:\wdisplay\datafiles\month122002.inf
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 58B3-B349

Directory of c:\wdisplay\datafiles

12/31/2002 11:59 PM 1,517,800 month122002.inf
1 File(s) 1,517,800 bytes
0 Dir(s) 1,753,767,936 bytes free

C:\wdisplay\logfiles>dir 122002lg.txt
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 58B3-B349

Directory of C:\wdisplay\logfiles

12/31/2002 11:59 PM 3,141,124 122002lg.txt
1 File(s) 3,141,124 bytes
0 Dir(s) 1,753,763,840 bytes free

Hi Brian, Hi Ian,

I have the same problem and sent the december 2002 logfile to brian.
In the prgramm error log i can read: Error: file not found at time…
Now I use 9.44 c


ok, you may have noticed i put of the boring log file stuff to the last!
i better fix this then!

hey, i plicked up the courage and took the plunge into the deep dark recreate averages/extreme routine in WD.
and there was only a few little things that needed tweaking that made all the difference!

uploading vers 9.45 now, that fixes this up
promise, I tested, and i actualy got my old december 2001 averages/extreme file updated!., and its looks perfect!
(note: it does take a while to complete, and burns a bit of cpu power!)

It does seem to work for me! At last!
