Invalid sensor values for leaf-wetness, soil-temp-moist and extra TempHum

Having problems filtering “non existing” sensors from WeatherDisplay Clientraw and WD-API.

The fields in those upload-files are filled with “data” which could be correct, although there is no sensor attached.

Some values are certainly in-correct such as -100 for humidity.

Can a user instruct WeatherDisplay that hey are not using those sensors so that the WeatherDisplay software can substitute a “n/a” or “null” value or no value at all.

Reason for asking:
pwsWD and beta users have those values, the website then displays those “invalid” values.
I could add extra filters to the dashboard code, but the code already skips those sensors if the uploaded values are incorrect.

AFAIK, no.

I cannot even turn off the legacy values for extratemp/hum2, as shown in my small block: I haven’t used this sensor for years.

I think you will have to resort to user selection of relevant sensors, as in extra_temp_c_small.php

I asked Brian about this several years ago, i.e. my records values include soil temperature (always 32F) because i don’t have a soil a temperature sensor. He was, how shall we say, unresponsive.
