I’ve made a few changes to enable interesting discussions or threads to be easier to see. If you look in the topics list, you’ll see three columns at the right (desktop) or one column (mobile). The common column between desktop and mobile is ‘Replies’. This shows the number of replies (posts) made in this topic.
The changes are ‘heat’ markings and they are active on the numbers in the Replies and Views columns. The ‘heat rating’ for the Replies column shows how ‘liked’ the thread is. When you click on the ‘heart’ to like a post this rating increases. The ‘heat rating’ for the Views column is about the number of times the thread (or posts in it) have been viewed and this is updated automatically each time you read a topic or post. The heat markings are similar to the popular posts markings in the old forum.
In both cases the lowest rating is coloured grey, medium is brown-ish, high is orangey-red and very high is bold-red.
If you’re not already liking posts, then give it a go. It’s free and you get a lot of likes to use each day. It helps authors of posts to understand what people thought was useful.
By the way, did you know that on a desktop browser you can click on the Replies/Views/Activity headers to sort the topic list in most/least order.