Installing/upgrading Weather Display on Windows XP

Whilst Windows XP is now rather old and definitely out of support, some people may still be using it on small dedicated computers that just run Weather Display and related weather software. If you’d like to use the latest version of Weather Display on an XP PC you can’t just install it as you could on supported operating systems. Here’s what you have to do…

  1. Make sure that your copy of Windows XP is fully patched with the latest available updates. You should be able to find these through a search engine (Google, Bing, etc).
  2. Install the latest full version of Weather Display from Latest WD installer.
  3. Install the latest XP compatible version of Weather Display from Latest XP WD installer.
  4. Extract the latest Weather Display .zip update from Latest WD .zip update to the folder WD is installed in (normally C:\wdisplay).
  5. If your wdisplay.ini file was in the C:\Windows directory and not the directory where WD is installed (normally C:\wdisplay) then copy wdisplay.ini into the WD directory.
  6. Note: The new .exe name is weatherdisplay.exe and not weatherd.exe so you will need to update any short cuts that you use.

Thanks to Brian for providing these instructions.

Finally, with my ex-IT Security professional hat on, please be careful using Windows XP. Never have it exposed on the Internet, i.e. always have it behind a firewall, and if you’re downloading anything to use on it, e.g. the files above, download them to another PC with current anti-virus installed first to ensure they’re safe (not that I’m suggesting Weather Display files might be infected!) Preferably, upgrade to a later (supported) operating system, although I realise that in some cases that’s not technically or economically feasible.