Indoor humidity on graph

I’ve been using WD for about a month and just registered. I have two XP machines on a wired home LAN using WD as a client and server. On the server the indoor humidity displays and graphs but doesn’t show up on the client. When I tick show indoor humidity it raises the outdoor humidity but nothing shows up under it as it does on the server. It also doesn’t graph on the client. :?:

try ticking, use indoor/extra data from server, in the client/server setup screen
and let me know

try ticking, use indoor/extra data from server, in the client/server setup screen and let me know

I have that checked.

ok, i will do some testing here…and get back to you…

i just ran a test, and it was OK
(using the tcp cleint/server setup)
but, make sure you have under graph setup, extra options, plot indoor temperature/humidity
let me know

I have it checked on both machines. I think I have everything checked the same on both machines. Does that matter?

email me your settings
wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
wdisplayftp.reg (after going action, back up registry entry now (and then that file will be in the folder databackup))

and i will check on things here

the trick:
is to select a weather station type that has indoor humidity by default
so, go to setup, control panel, weather station type, then click on wm918/wx200
and vola :slight_smile: (i had the same problem with your settings, but going the above fixed it )
(and you may have to restart wd) :wink: 8O

Worked like a champ. Again thanks for such a great program and for the help you give to all. :salute: