index.htm not updating

Can someone point me in the right direction for a reason as to why my weather display index.htm is not updating since 2008 ?

my web site for weather display is

ok so i have found out that weather display is updating itself but only in my wedfiles folder not the internet, is it possible to just interogate the clientraw file for my web page ?

If the files in your webfiles folder are being updated but it’s not appearing on the website then there is a problem with the uploads.
First check that you have the correct server details in Control Panel > FTP/Internet Setup > Connections and make sure that the Main Internet switch is ON.

Are you using the Advanced Internet uploads for anything?

Can you post some screen shots of your WD web page setup windows?

Also, have a look through this FAQ, some of the window have changed but the basic setup is still the same. :wink:

You can’t use the clientraw files for this type of web page but there are the CarterLake Ajax/PHP templates that can be used with them, do a search and you’ll find plenty of info about these on the forum.

thanks for the help mate (the main switch was off)

i now like the looks of the php templates, they look nice

one last question, how do you get the cool things for your signature that show your weather station details ?

They’re called Custom Screens and there’s a FAQ on how to make them here: :wink:

Some are custom screens, but many (like mine) are php generated graphics (formerly known as stickers) that use the data from the small clientraw file created/uploaded by WD. The code can be downloaded from Anole’s site here.

The php sticker uses less resources on the WD PC, but you do need a webhost supporting php.

great thanks for the help, think i prefer the php (my site supports this) rather than put load on my WD PC and Internet connection.

One more thing, is it possible to embed my weather display live page into a web site ?

If you use the templates then it’s all done for you on there, you just need to alter the links to your own config & .swf files. :wink: