Another problem I’ve had while evaluating WD on Linux. The time for the daily minima is being displayed and stored incorrectly. This is happening for all sorts of parameters (temperature, pressure, etc).
On starting WD the minima time is shown at some time in the future and no amount of trying has shown me a way of correcting it.
I have SuSE Linux 9.0, latest WD, David Vantage Pro.
it might be simply that it has not reset at the daily reset time
action, reset daily extremes, reset all (I think that is the same in the linux version)
I tried this today at 06:03. I have my daily reset set to ahppen at midnight. This morning my Linux server was down due to a power outage overnight so I restarted Weather Display and allowed it to download all the data from the console archive. The daily extremes (it’s not just minima, it’s all extremes) were incorrect at that point. So I followed the instructions above and reset all the daily extremes. the values reset OK; but the times then all read 18:45 for all extremes except for the daily maximum gust time which read 17:45!
Yep, I had wind speed, a steady 2mph at that time. Also these times don’t change once their out of step. So even though the extreme values are changing OK (e.g. the daily maximum temperature goes up as the morning progresses) the time of the extreme stays stuck at it’s incorrect value.