
As we can see in my picture, Fresh WDL shows a change in text color only in Google Chrome.
But if I use Internet Explorer, the text stays black only.
Did anyone ever see such a mystery?

What is the URL of that page?

I see the same effect on mine too. IE is now an out of date browser so I guess it doesn’t support whatever function is used for that color change :dontknow:


I’m sure it’s some weird interaction with IE and whatever method I used to generate the colours.
I’ll add it to the list of bugs, but it’s a fairly minor thing, so I wouldn’t expect it to get fixed awfully fast…


If it works in Edge then I would ignore it :-"

It works in Edge.

Has anyone tried other browsers?
Mozilla Opera Safari?
It’s a real mystery. :notworthy:

IE is notorious for not displaying pages correctly