Import from dat file Campbell

Hi weatherdisplay,

Is it possible to have an option to import data from a dat file (with minutely data) which is generated by Campbell?
I see theres a list of possibilities in the action, import options.

Hi Weatherdisplay,

Is it a option to have the possibility to import data from campbell .dat file?

With kindest regards.


I have some piece of output attached from my datalogger as an example.
Is it possible i can use one of the current import options in WD where theres an option which data position to import?
Like in the Campbell setup parameters?

With kind regards. (16.9 KB)

I’ve not had a chance to go back to my WD/Campbell interface since I have it working pretty well to how it needs to be. Once working, I have to move on, so I can’t say I’m an expert.

The interface Brian has provided is more flexible than some station interfaces, with you being able to specify the EXACT name, and the location in the data stream.

Is there any chance you can modify the output of the datalogger (that is in the header you show with the names, which I assume you generate, to match more closely what is known to work with the Campbell interface?

Just a thought. Dale

Hi Dale,

Thanks for your thought.
WD is running live ok with Campbell datalogger.
But when WD isnt running, it wont show the data when WD is running again from the time WD wasnt running.
So thats why it would be great to have an import option so i can import the missed data from a one minute .dat file which Campbell collects 24/7, like it is currently possible with other stations in the “action”/“Import from other software” function.

With kind regards.

Do you have Control Panel > Data Logger turned on? If that option is available for the Campbell setup it should read the missed data from the logger when you turn WD back on.

You should not need to use Action > Import.

Hi Bitsostring,

That option isnt working when in Campbell mode…
Thats why it would be a good option to have it included in the “import” option.

With kind regards.

I did wonder if that was the case. . . sorry :frowning:

Thanks for the suggestion👍

Still curious if it could be added :smiley:


Hi Weatherdisplay,

Is it something which could be added to Weatherdisplay?

With the kindest regards.

Hi Weatherdisplay,

Is it something which could be added to Weatherdisplay?

With the kindest regards.

Is it something which could be added to Weatherdisplay?

With the kindest regards.


It probably could be added to WD. But it’s probably not a trivial task.

However, I had weatherlink and Cumulus data files. I found it pretty easy to create a WD logfile for importing into WD.

Not sure what the Campbell .dat file contains.

Hi lklawrie,

Do you have an example from your output file?
See if i can change the campbell dat output file according to your output file so i can create an WD log file to import missed data into WD when WD wasnt running.

individually, i believe the files are too big. I will try zipping them into one.

Jan 2018 data. (388 KB)

Thanks for your reply :smiley:
I see those files are txt files, i thought they are .dat?

These go into the \logfiles folder.

Then you use the action “convert log file to graph file” to import, as I remember