Implement further integration of Ecowitt devices

With the growing acceptance of the Ecowitt weather system and GW1000 bridge/hub, I would like to see further integration of Ecowitt devices. For example, I have a water temperature gauge (WN34L), temperature gauge for freezer (WH31), and lightening sensor (WH57).

While the weather system (anemometer, wind direction, solar, etc.) pull nicely into Weather Display, I find the handling of the “other” Ecowitt devices more difficult to integrate into Weather Display, and end up using the native Ecotwitt reporting tools to capture and report the data.

For instance, some sensors automatically come across with the bridge interface, others seem to be hard-coded to be assigned to “Extra” temp variables in WD. Since I still use some 1-wire devices, it appears to clobber the data that has already been assigned to these. Some Ecowitt devices I cannot even find in WD.

I would like see a more flexible method of assigning Ecowitt devices to Extra Sensor variables (or some other mechanism) to facilitate collection and reporting within Weather Display. This would allow me to leverage WD fully and ignore Ecowitt software.

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