Is it possible to have the Imperial theme display the barometer in hPa by default?
Yes, Control Panel → Units and other settings-> Units/Wind Chill, drop box on baro.
Thanks for the reply.
Control panel? It’s been a while since I set this up. Not sure where that is. I was thinking under settings on the webpage.
The hPa value is displayed in the barometer block.
Left colom second small value
1019.0 hPa
There is no setting to display US units for temp, wind and a hPa value for pressure.
Ah! The tag i saw was for WeatherDisplay. You can not mix and match on pwsWD. But, as Wim points out, its there in a small box to the left of inHg.
Thanks for that, I did see hPa in the barometric block. I just prefer hPa over inHg and would rather that be the default view, but now I know for sure. Thanks all!
Attached two updated scripts
It will show US (F) units with pressure in hPa
Step 1:
You will have to update the max/min pressure values in your history file manually
Therefor make a screen-copy of the current history file so you can replace the wrong values after testing.
Those new scripts are private scripts with a version number of 09.
Make a copy of the current ones on your website
Step 3:
Unzip and upload the new scripts.
Attached a screenshot.
The history values on your website need to be changed for pressure only. (11.9 KB)
Thanks for that! How are you viewing the Station Weather History?
You can update the history file if it has an error in it: run
. . . pwsWD/PWS_hist_update.php?pw=12345
where 12345 is your easyweather password.
I made the pressure changes in history.txt. Does the update script need to run to reflect these new values on the station weather history page? Right now they are still showing the inHg lows.
History looks OK now?
Yes! Looks like I missed one, but I’ve changed it now. I think the changes update with the cron jobs.
Yes, they do
Can’t help but notice that pressure in hPa has 2 d.p. while inHg has 3 d.p. – a bit excessive?
That’s not a standard setting in easyweathersetup. . .
Yes, I would prefer hPa have 0 dp and inHg have 2. One of the reason I like hPa better. I bet pwsdb can fix that easily with an update to the script file he’s provided up top.
Can the scripts be modified to show less decimal points in the pressures?
Go in easyweathersetup → tab units → select decimals
Select the "No decimals for hPa, 1 for inHg.
But as I used a “trick” to swap inHg out of US-units and replaced it with hPa. The largest part of the scripts still add an extra decimal for US units.
So you will have 1 decimal for hPa and 2 for inHg.
This is not a company with dozens of programmers.
I myself can support the standard versions, but user wishes are sometimes complex to install.
Your first question was relative easy to install and test using a small change of code. Your second request for 0 decimals is not that easy to implement.
Sorry for that.
Attached a adapted version for the number of decimals " hPa replaces inHg"
$scrpt_vrsn_dt = ‘PWS_settings.php|09|2025-03-10|’;
That will show the number of decimals you selected in easyweather-setup.
0 for hPa and 1 for inHg.
Your question 0 for hPa and 2 for inHg is not possible yet.
Wim (6.5 KB)