Image Names offsetting

OK, here’s another one (sorry for the flurry of posts; I haven’t played with WD in some while and I’m finding all sorts of things at once…)

Images that are uploading are showing up with the wrong names;

summary.gif isn’t showing up at all, though it is being produced (as trends.gif)
The main graph is showing up as energy.gif
The summary image is showing us as trends.gif
The trends image is showing up as dirplot.gif
gusdial.gif, directiondial.gif, and averagedial.gif are all showing up as expected
The large screen image is showing up as forecasticon.gif

These files are being saved with the correct name on the local hard drive; they’re apparently being renamed during the uploading process for some reason. I do have one of my custom pages set to rename whilst uploading - might that for some reason be carrying over to the graphics…??

Whilst this problem is occurring anyway, visible at

Win98SE, WD 10.18f, Adelphia cable internet

check under view, ftp log, view full log, and you most likely will see a file not found errors
post what is there here

Here’s the “full log” dump:

list of files uploaded*

actual messages from upload session*
Start Time/date:15:12:25 10/20/04
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Checking for what else to do…
there are 2 more things to do
Wunderground connected status: OK
Wunderground complete
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Aprs data sending now…
APRS Connecting to:
Aprs connected
sending pass command
user CW0146 pass -1 vers wx-display 10.18f 31
Sending the aprs data now
APRS data send:
Disconnecting from the aprs server now
APRS disconnected
Finshed email agenda
Finshed email agenda, and more Internet agenda items to do…
Time/date:15:12:31 10/20/04
Logging onto FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server.
331 Password required for gary.oldham.
230-User gary.oldham logged in.
230 Quota: avail(4.2%)=440179.0 used(95.8%)=10045581.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
200 Type set to I
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,244
200 PORT command successful
STOR roundhilldial.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for roundhilldial.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(2.3%)=246334.0 used(97.7%)=10239426.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,245
200 PORT command successful
STOR roundhill.html
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for roundhill.html
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.1%)=432115.0 used(95.9%)=10053645.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,246
200 PORT command successful
STOR gizmo.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for gizmo.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.1%)=427185.0 used(95.9%)=10058575.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,247
200 PORT command successful
STOR conditionscolour.jpg
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for conditionscolour.jpg
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.2%)=436557.0 used(95.8%)=10049203.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,248
200 PORT command successful
STOR gizmo2.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for gizmo2.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.1%)=428382.0 used(95.9%)=10057378.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,249
200 PORT command successful
STOR roundhill.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for roundhill.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.0%)=414539.0 used(96.0%)=10071221.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,250
200 PORT command successful
STOR dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.0%)=421208.0 used(96.0%)=10064552.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,251
200 PORT command successful
STOR wx22.html
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for wx22.html
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.1%)=430542.0 used(95.9%)=10055218.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,252
200 PORT command successful
STOR CurrentC.html
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for CurrentC.html
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.2%)=438038.0 used(95.8%)=10047722.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,253
200 PORT command successful
STOR summary.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for summary.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=503589.0 used(95.2%)=9982171.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,254
200 PORT command successful
STOR trends.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for trends.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(3.8%)=402225.0 used(96.2%)=10083535.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,9,255
200 PORT command successful
STOR dirplot.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for dirplot.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=498728.0 used(95.2%)=9987032.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,0
200 PORT command successful
STOR dirplot2.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for dirplot2.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=505822.0 used(95.2%)=9979938.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,1
200 PORT command successful
STOR curr24hourgraph.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for curr24hourgraph.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=505984.0 used(95.2%)=9979776.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,2
200 PORT command successful
STOR curr48hourgraph.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for curr48hourgraph.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.7%)=493472.0 used(95.3%)=9992288.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,3
200 PORT command successful
STOR curr72hourgraph.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for curr72hourgraph.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.7%)=494943.0 used(95.3%)=9990817.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,4
200 PORT command successful
STOR energy.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for energy.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.7%)=494334.0 used(95.3%)=9991426.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,5
200 PORT command successful
STOR largedisplay.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for largedisplay.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=500018.0 used(95.2%)=9985742.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,6
200 PORT command successful
STOR forecasticon.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for forecasticon.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(3.3%)=347998.0 used(96.7%)=10137762.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,10
200 PORT command successful
STOR forecasticonstation.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for forecasticonstation.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.9%)=510131.0 used(95.1%)=9975629.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,12
200 PORT command successful
STOR localweather.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for localweather.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=508266.0 used(95.2%)=9977494.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,10,13
200 PORT command successful
STOR weatherbanner.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for weatherbanner.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.8%)=506200.0 used(95.2%)=9979560.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
ERROR: List index out of bounds (0) at time/date 15:13:15 10/20/04 agenda item:
Doing abort procedure/program close…

the missing file in the upload is

do you have a file called that in the webfiles folder?
i.e you most likely have the custom switch ON, but you dont have a wxlocal.html
or you have set to use wx.html in the specail file converison (do not use file names there that wd would use otherwise)

so, elminate wx.html from the upload list, or at least create a dummy file that is called that. or create at aleast wxlocal.html in the web files folder, then it should be ok

I have a wxlocal.html and a resulting wx.html in the webfiles folder; I have wx.html renamed as CurrentC.html for the upload process. I’m finding, though, that what’s happening is some other wxlocalnnn.html file is getting renamed to CurrentC.html instead of wxlocal.html being so renamed. I’m going to stop the renaming to CurrentC.html and see what happens…

I have wx.html renamed as CurrentC.html f
where are you doing that?

if you are using the special file converison, then dont use any file names that wd would otherwise be using
set completly different local and remote filenames there

I was doing that under Setup, FTP/email/etc., Custom Web Pages. I told WD to rename the local file wx.html as CurrentC.html for upload. I have since cleared out that whole renaming section… now wx.html is uploaded as wx15.html and wx22.html (wxlocal15.html and wxlocal22.html exist in the folder webfiles) but wx.html isn’t uploaded at all… and the image names are still offset.

post the latest full ftp log here agian

Here goes:

list of files uploaded*

actual messages from upload session*
Start Time/date:16:34:13 10/20/04
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Connecting to mail server.
220 ESMTP server (InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-106-20030910) ready Wed, 20 Oct 2004 15:34:15 -0500
EHLO oldham
250 SIZE 8388608
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
235 Authentication successful
250 Ok resetting state
MAIL FROM:[email protected]
250 Sender [email protected] Ok
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 Recipient [email protected] Ok
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 Recipient [email protected] Ok
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 Recipient [email protected] Ok
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 Recipient [email protected] Ok
354 Ok Send data ending with .
Email sent OK
Email sent OK
250 Message received:
221 ESMTP server closing connection
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Connecting to mail server.
220 ESMTP server (InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-106-20030910) ready Wed, 20 Oct 2004 15:34:19 -0500
EHLO oldham
250 SIZE 8388608
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
235 Authentication successful
250 Ok resetting state
MAIL FROM:[email protected]
250 Sender [email protected] Ok
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 Recipient [email protected] Ok
RCPT TO:[email protected]
250 Recipient [email protected] Ok
354 Ok Send data ending with .
Email sent OK
250 Message received:
221 ESMTP server closing connection
Finshed email agenda
Finshed email agenda, and more Internet agenda items to do…
Time/date:16:34:24 10/20/04
Logging onto FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server.
331 Password required for gary.oldham.
230-User gary.oldham logged in.
230 Quota: avail(5.7%)=601244.0 used(94.3%)=9884516.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
200 Type set to I
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,104
200 PORT command successful
STOR roundhilldial.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for roundhilldial.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.2%)=444903.0 used(95.8%)=10040857.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,105
200 PORT command successful
STOR roundhill.html
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for roundhill.html
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(5.7%)=594101.0 used(94.3%)=9891659.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,106
200 PORT command successful
STOR gizmo.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for gizmo.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(5.6%)=589171.0 used(94.4%)=9896589.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,107
200 PORT command successful
STOR conditionscolour.jpg
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for conditionscolour.jpg
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(5.7%)=598544.0 used(94.3%)=9887216.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,108
200 PORT command successful
STOR gizmo2.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for gizmo2.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(5.6%)=590371.0 used(94.4%)=9895389.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,109
200 PORT command successful
STOR roundhill.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for roundhill.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(3.8%)=400790.0 used(96.2%)=10084970.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,110
200 PORT command successful
STOR dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.5%)=468490.0 used(95.5%)=10017270.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,111
200 PORT command successful
STOR wx22.html
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for wx22.html
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=477965.0 used(95.4%)=10007795.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,112
200 PORT command successful
STOR summary.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for summary.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=485309.0 used(95.4%)=10000451.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,113
200 PORT command successful
STOR trends.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for trends.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(3.6%)=380756.0 used(96.4%)=10105004.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,114
200 PORT command successful
STOR dirplot.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for dirplot.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.5%)=472492.0 used(95.5%)=10013268.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,115
200 PORT command successful
STOR dirplot2.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for dirplot2.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=479532.0 used(95.4%)=10006228.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,116
200 PORT command successful
STOR curr24hourgraph.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for curr24hourgraph.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=479775.0 used(95.4%)=10005985.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,117
200 PORT command successful
STOR curr48hourgraph.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for curr48hourgraph.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.5%)=467278.0 used(95.5%)=10018482.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,118
200 PORT command successful
STOR curr72hourgraph.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for curr72hourgraph.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.5%)=468476.0 used(95.5%)=10017284.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,119
200 PORT command successful
STOR energy.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for energy.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.5%)=468117.0 used(95.5%)=10017643.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,120
200 PORT command successful
STOR largedisplay.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for largedisplay.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.5%)=474376.0 used(95.5%)=10011384.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,121
200 PORT command successful
STOR forecasticon.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for forecasticon.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(3.5%)=366817.0 used(96.5%)=10118943.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,122
200 PORT command successful
STOR forecasticonstation.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for forecasticonstation.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=482924.0 used(95.4%)=10002836.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,123
200 PORT command successful
STOR localweather.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for localweather.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=481059.0 used(95.4%)=10004701.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
PORT 192,168,1,101,4,124
200 PORT command successful
STOR weatherbanner.gif
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for weatherbanner.gif
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quota: avail(4.6%)=479736.0 used(95.4%)=10006024.0 limit=10485760.0 bytes
ERROR: List index out of bounds (0) at time/date 16:34:56 10/20/04 agenda item:
Doing abort procedure/program close…


wx.html is still in the list of files to upload
nothing has changed

email me your settings:
go action, back up registry entry now, then email me the files wdisplay.ini and wdisplayftp.reg from the folder databackup

After numerous restarts of WD (along with several hard crashes), the files are correctly uploading now, both the wxn.html files and the graphics, with the right names.

good work gary
what was the trick?

have you tried out weather display live?

I wish I knew what the trick was! Had WD crash on me a couple times, did several voluntary (and a few involuntary) restarts, and voila, things were working as expected!

I downloaded the WDL trial version yesterday but haven’t had time to set it up and give it a try.

looking good gary, you even have a animated web cam in the summary image
have you seen where you can set to have time stamped web cam images (every minute), and then , when you hold down the left mouse button while scrolling along the graph, the web cam image at that time appears!
(and the 6 hour graph gives even better resolution)
now what weather station software can do that?

Very cool, no doubt, Brian!

re crashed:
how much free memory?
yeah, win98 not the best OS, especialy for memory management,…as wd is memory hungry
does start the flash movie, so thats good
try, though, in the config file, actualy setting the url to the clientraw.txt and clientrawextra.txt files

I’m watching it right now, in the low 300 mb of free memory, CPU usage fluctuating all over the place from 7% to 51% (using the Help/About in WD. I do have it freeing up memory daily. If I’m not messing with it, runs pretty reliably, crashes mostly happen whilst I’m trying to change something.

I’ve added the full URL of the client… txt files to the WDL config.xml file, no change. Page just takes a long time to load without any of the flash messages appears (like configuring… or data loading…) I’m not sure what’s up, setup seems pretty simple and foolproof, which is why I’m suspicious of Verizon.

I had the same problems using WIN 98 on an older PC
No longer any problems using a new PC with XP Pro SP2

There is a problem with your xml file. If you view it directly from your website in IE you’ll see -

The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

Whitespace is not allowed at this location. Error processing resource ‘’. …

Round Hill Weather & Climatology
t:1em;text-indent:-2em"> 50

If you correct that all should be well


thanks julian!
gary, your an old hand at xml…
so you should be able to sort this out smartly hopefully :slight_smile:
(as you know, xml can be quite picky!