was a great break away with the kids (school holidays)
looks like everyone was able to hold the fort while I was gone, thanks all!
I will get a photo or 2 uploaded…
still catching up on things !
was a great break away with the kids (school holidays)
looks like everyone was able to hold the fort while I was gone, thanks all!
I will get a photo or 2 uploaded…
still catching up on things !
Glad to hear that you got to get away with the family and ralaxed. It’s important
See ya
First image is from the Inlaws house!
2nd image, zoomed a bit,is of the active volcanoes, highest is 9800 feet (or so)
Lake taupo is also a vary large creator
its in the Guniess book of records as creating the loudest explosion recorded
The Chineses heard it last time it blew, some 1500 years ago.
Its due to go again !
Is it my connection or are the pictures blury?
why would your connection do that?
the 2nd picture is zoomed a bit, so loss of resolution
its only a cheapo 2 megapixel camera
i might have zoomed the first one…cant remember now…
The first picture looks like a nicer view than your first upload. I did wonder why a view of an electricity pole was so amazing
you were 2 fast…i fixed that quickly, LOL
that was a photo for rocketman of some shoddy work on a powerpole that nearly could have been distastrous for the cows in the cowsehd (the neutral wire came off!)