'Idesign Simplicity' Template by Brian Underdown


the default script is calculated to show water at 1mm and above however if you want it to kick in and show water at lower than 1mm

goto rainfall.php

right at the bottom of the page change the multiplier value to 3

echo $weather[“rain_today”] *$multiplier *2;

for 0.8mm min sensitivity to

echo $weather[“rain_today”] *$multiplier *3;

for 0.5mm min sensitivity to

echo $weather[“rain_today”] *$multiplier *4;

thats all there is to it anything above 4 just screws it all up once you start getting above 2mm :slight_smile:


thanks Brian - I thought that might have been the case.

Hi, is there anyway to add this as an include into another template? i.e. use this as an alternative dashboard?

I tried but it didnt work, most was broken etc…


I tried with an include but couldn’t get it to work. Instead Brian recommended an i frame. Have a look at my site, worked pretty well for me for over a year. O just have to slightly reduce the page with of the template to 945 px to get it to fit in my template.



Cheers Paul, that looks gook, i have just realised that an iframe wont work cause the of my original template width, not to worry :slight_smile:

Major Fix Bug (15-Mar-2017) - Thanks to Paul Wilman of http://paulwilman.com There was major flaw in the weather underground update for version 34E , so small but critical . The currentwuconditions.php had the update in seconds not minutes !! i.e 10 seconds it has now been adjusted to read 900 seconds = 15 minutes. Unfortunately and very sorry this may have caused you to get an a warning from weather undergound of exceeding api limit .This was only present in the non cron job version 34E .PLEASE UPDATE ASAP SORRY FOR ANY INCONVIENCE CAUSED.


i guess shite happens but its better to have more than one pair of eyes …thanks to Paul Wilman for ongoing support/feedback …it is appreciated

:slight_smile: No worries Brian, happened to me as well… fortunately not in a final release, but in a version I used myself to test…

It was actually DarkSky and I temporarily set the caching to 60 * 0 s, to make sure it always reloads new data for testing purposes and then I of course forgot to replace the 0 back with the original cache time in minutes parameter…

Hello Good evening

this is purely optional and not a part of the dashboard template it is a part of the information download page.

you can now receive update notifications direct to your desktop using the push notification system if your OS supports it and permits .
Note it is purely optional and can be disabled or terminated when ever you wish .

This will help me push out the updates without having to post in all the forums and solely use the forums for resolving issues and exchanging ideas , I find that more constructive and
beneficial .

The notification is only received once is not repeated , i have used this system in another project and it can be really beneficial and not annoying if used right.

It will be only used for update notifications to template and I really hope I am nearing the end of releasing frequent updates as it is now been a long time in trying to
find the right balance for everyone , every language etc.


It is via one page https://www.weather34.com/homeweatherstation/index.html so it is not added to all pages on the domain weather34.com ,once you grant permission it will push notifications to your browser or OS you do not have to be at the page https://www.weather34.com/homeweatherstation/index.html to receive a notification.

It is compatible Firefox,Chrome and Safari once I had the apple developer certificate due to restrictions imposed by Apple for IOS and OSX .

The service is available and provided by pushprime.com for free or paid , others may find it of value for there own projects.

its that time of year


Thanks, would never have figured to change this #-o

That was a few weeks ago for us in the USA and I still forgot to change it. :oops:

Speaking of time, I noticed the local time displayed at the top of the script is in 24 hour format even if I choose the 12 hour format in the settings.

hmmm not sure I should answer your commander in chief wasnt very nice about me :slight_smile:

no in all seriousness you need to do a bit of editing albeit nothing difficult

go in to updater.php

right at the top

line 4 or 5 find this


change 24 to 12


thats it and excuse my humour :slight_smile: brian…

have a nice weekend


what i have done is added the option to the easyweathersetup.php to reduce error chances of breaking the code . it looks like this

if you are already on 34GM version then you only need to update the easyweathersetup.php and updater.php

if you are not then you would need to install new version .


Thanks for the change but it’s 12:06 PM here and the time shows as 0:06 on my page.

ok no problem

its 22:00 here so not see that error try the attached just replace updater.php

that should fix it .


updater.php.zip (2.86 KB)

I updated the file and I have no change, still shows 0:32:00.

i dont know it is working for http://boutiquehotelitaly.com/devpws/ the demo page that is using the same file(s) with the newer code i just added on

you sure it updated the file ??


I checked twice.

Here is the line of code that I have on my site.

!function(t,n,o){function e(){var t=new i;t.startClock()}function i(){this.time=""}o(function(){e()}),i.prototype={startClock:function(){var t=this;setInterval(this.updateClock.bind(this,t),500)},updateClock:function(t){var n=t.getTime();this.updateClockView(n)},updateClockView:function(t){for(var n=o(".clock-container>ul>li>span"),e=0;5>e;e++)n.eq(e).html(t[e])},getTime:function(){var t=new Date,n=t.getUTCHours(),o=t.getUTCMinutes(),e=t.getUTCSeconds(),i=this.convertHourByTimeZone(n);o=this.fixLayout(o),e=this.fixLayout(e);for(var r=[],u=0;5>u;u++){var c=i[u]+":"+o+":"+e;r.push(c)}return r},convertHourByTimeZone:function(t){for(var n=[<?php echo $UTC; ?>],o=[],e=0;5>e;e++){var i=t+n[e];i>=<?php echo $clockFormat;?>?i-=12:0>i&&(i=12+i),o.push(i)}return o},fixLayout:function(t){return 10>t&&(t="0"+t),t}}}(window,document,window.jQuery);

its ok i see it now i set my UTC back by -7 and reproduced ill see if i can work it out think it is only affecting 12pm im guessing 1pm it will look correct ill see what i can do and ill post back later or tomorrow.


hi Forever

please download new version just updated download .

the time format for all areas is now in am/pm format or short time format. having looked back through emails I see this is a frequent request or preferred output.

so I simply wrote a simple jquery script using the online jquery manual , it is nothing complicated just a simple few lines of code and connected to the
options set in the easyweathersetup.php

//simple weather34 main clock
$(function() {
function weather34clock() {
var d = new Date();
var utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
var offset = <?php echo $UTC ;?>;
var currentTime = new Date(utc + (3600000*offset));
var currentHours = currentTime.getHours ( );
var currentMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes ( );
var currentSeconds = currentTime.getSeconds ( );
currentSeconds = ( currentSeconds < 10 ? “0” : “” ) + currentSeconds;
currentMinutes = ( currentMinutes < 10 ? “0” : “” ) + currentMinutes;
var timeOfDay = ( currentHours < 12 ) ? “am” : “pm”;
currentHours = ( currentHours > 12 ) ? currentHours - 12 : currentHours;
currentHours = ( currentHours == 0 ) ? 12 : currentHours;
var currentTimeString = currentHours + “:” + currentMinutes + “:” + currentSeconds + " " + timeOfDay ;

so there was changes to the css files ,updater.php,index.php,wxcharts.php,indexearthquake.php and notification.php

the option i added in easyweathersetup.php yesterday is not used so was removed still uses the other time format options.

see the demo of it use http://boutiquehotelitaly.com/devpws/

