Ideal Weather display package?

I’m a high school science teacher, trying to turn on some kids to weather. I teach Chemistry, Physics, and Marine Science.

I have Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station that’s installed and working great on a tower 100 feet from my room in an open field.

I’d like to have the weather data displayed on our school web page. I’d love it to be dynamic (real time).
I think I have available resources so if I were you, what would you order? Weather Display? Weather Display Live? Both? Other? What do I need for the ideal setup? What do I need for a bare-bone minimum?

ANY info or suggestions you can pass along would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance…

Scott Lamberson
Port St. Joe High School
Port St. Joe, FL


Weather Display Live is a very nice java flash display of your weather conditions and it is very popular. You need the Weather Display program to gather the data from your VP2, then it uploads to the web to drive Weather Display Live. Rates of update are adjustable and some use 2-3 sec and others more, depending on their circumstances.

If you should want to go further, there’s a great free weather site template set available at that you could use to put up a “full blown” weather site with minimal effort. Just configure for your area and away you go.

This forum is a great source of information and if you get stuck, folks here will help you out quickly.

Good Luck. - Jim

Edited: Too early in the morning for me but Bob & Jacco caught the flash error.

You would have to have WeatherDisplay itself before you would be able to add WeatherDisplayLive. WeatherDisplay collects the data from your Weather Station and then parses that data to keep records and provide historical data as well as upload that data to a web host. You can have a web page with live data using just WeatherDisplay if you want. There are templates that employ AJAX and provide realtime updates based on data WeatherDisplay uploads via tags and clientraw files.

WeatherDisplayLive is a Flash presentation that allows your real time data, as provided by WeatherDisplay in the clientraw files, to be displayed on the web…


Guess you mean Weather Display Live is a flash display Jim, it is not Java.


Thank You to everyone that responded. I’ll work my way through your suggestions and see what I can put together.
I’ve got Weather Link that came with the station but I’d like to have Weather Display and Weather Display Live, I think.

Any other suggestions will be appreciated.

Y’all have a good weekend.

Weather Display now can display Weather Display Live locally on the WD computer.

make sure to use the full install to get the file needed file updates for the new WDL in WD

Hi, I’m a Physics teacher in the UK and I’m looking at trying to get some of the kids to take a keen interest in our eco-system and thought an excellent way would be to get a fancy weather system and stumbled across this weather station and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this?

Corrected link from jamesbeau post:


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