HWS-template (WD34) July version available

First: much thanks for all those beta-testers who spent their free-time to further iron out the errors and inconsistencies of this totally new release

As always the downloads and the documentation can be found here => https://pwsdashboard.com/

Warning: In this release most scripts and especially the underlying logic has changed. Support for the April release will become more difficult in the coming weeks / months. Please witch a.s.a.p. I am sure you will be pleased by the improvements of the July release although I understand it will cost you hours of your rare free-time.

Improvements you do not want to miss:
No more SQL, just the simple text files remained
Simplified code so you can change the scripts yourself easier.
More adaption in colours, number of blocks, round versus square .


I’ll need you to provide an unused w34_settings1.php file like the April release.

Clicking on ‘Nearby’ in ‘Current Conditions’ brings up EBBR - Brussels. I’ve got KMDT as my nearest METAR station in settings.


I have new version here:
Everything seems to be working fine.

Prob a dumb question…but how do you exit the boxes that pop up when using the menu entries? ie. the weather alerts or weatherflow map?

Click on Home?

click anywhere outside the pop-up


Click on load files

w34_load_files.php (86) METAR not loaded API=ADD YOUR API KEY

The METAR file is not loading because there is no API set for that file


Is there a good way of migrating from daily, monthly and yearly .csv files in April version to .txt files generated in ./chartsmydata?

Yes, but it was not tested extensively.
Just rename them from .csv to .txt
They should be the same format.


Could you test if it works by copying the w34_settings1.php from the April release and the starting easyweathersetup.php
That should work.

Otherwise I attach an unaswered w34_settings1.php also.


w34_settings1.php.zip (1.51 KB)

Worked (seemingly) perfect.
Thank you!

the WD clientraw label at the bottom of the pages has a strange number after it…does not seem to be the WD version and build?

That’s the version of w34WD, not WD, I think.

Sorry, Wim, I already deleted all the April release files :frowning:

Otherwise I attach an unaswered w34_settings1.php also.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

As @bitsostring already explained I needed a WD34 version-number. Did not want to much numbers and the not often used build can be easily checked in the debug console.


Just realised I still have the .zip you sent for the April version, so I will test that first.

UPDATE: Yes, it works fine, thanks :slight_smile:

URL as left but /pwsnew/ instead of /pws/

Sorry, WIM. I missed entering that API.

Click “Home” or browser left arrow (back one page).

Webcam pop-up not working. . . I haven’t had this problem before :?
